IRI: Indiana Robotics invitational

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New Member
Well I am leaving for IRI, and I should be back in a couple days. It is a pretty big event and I am the driver, so wish me luck
Good luck.

We expect a full report and lots of (in focus) pictures when you get back.

And eventually you'll have some content for your mechTronics web site?
MechTronics features all things electrical and mechanical, from embedded control systems to pulse jet engines and Trebuchets. Please take a look around, you may find something you like!
Well I am back, and I was the driver so I had no time for pictures, but we went to the quarter finals and were eliminated by one of the semi finalists teams. I learned a lot from a great guy (Mike Copioli) a programmer from team 217, thunder chickens. Our team's mentors seemed really happy with my driving and I have to admit we looked really good out there, the only problem we had was a wad of tape became stuck to one of our wheels and got wedged between the drive sprocket and the chain, nearly popping it off !

It was a lot of fun and my arms and legs hurt from lifting the 130+ pound beast

I will see if I can get any pictures from my team mates.
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