Irispen Linux

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Your probably the only one that might be able to figure this out. Way back when I was able to search for someone who actually managed to get the PEN to work under Linuz with WINE. i haven;t set-up Wine yet, so this is just to get you to think about how. Thanks in advance.

So, they managed to use WINE, but got the output of the scanner to Linux windows. Have any ideas? Absolutely no hurry. it will take me a while to get WINW to work anyway.


Can't help you there sorry. I don't use WINE or a Windows VM on my Linux machines.
there are also android and mac versions of their software, which are both very linux-like operating systems... also, have you tried simply connecting the irispen and treating it like a scanner?
since the device is a scanner, linux may already contain a driver for it, and there are easily installable linux scanner programs available in the Raspbian repositories. installing WINE or a VM may not be the best choice on a Pi Zero because of limited system resources...
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I found this 'guide' very useful setting up DipTrace to run in wine
Lots of things to choose, win versions, dll files etc, but worked eventually
the problems running WINE on a pi zero, are:
1) WINE is made for running x86 based software, and a pi zero uses an ARM processor, so a conversion/compatibility layer must be added first, such as QEMU.
2) the recommended memory for such a setup requires at least 1GB RAM, and the pi zero only has 512MB RAM for a standard pi4 with 4GB RAM (using a 2/2 split between system ram and video ram) setting this up isn't a problem, but on the pi zero it is a big problem.

there are instructions for doing this here: NOTE: ExaGear Desktop is no longer availale, use QEMU instead.

this is why i recommended using a native linux scanning app instead, it's simple to install on a pi zero. if the OP tries this route, there are two excellent resources out there and in case he has problems or questions.
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Way back when I remember doing a search and someone did manage to get the IRISpen to work under linux. I can;t find that info now.
I may have written down the blurb.
The problem is not the physical data interface to access the raw data. It's the conversion of that data to something that Linux can use with the libsane API. That's the driver issue, a protocol driver is needed.
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