VCC is 11,2V, current sense resistor is 1,5R., core area is aprox 70mm2, turns = 10
If you consider those values i got as results:
L = VCC*time/(Ursense/Rsense) = 11,2*2,6*10E-6/(2,83/1,5) = 15,5uH
Bs = L*(Ursense/Rsense)/(Turns*Area) = 15,57*10E-6*(2,83/1,5)/(10*70*10E-6) = 42mT
There is no saturation in that screenshot. If there were, the rate of rise of current would start increasing instead of decreasing. This looks like a normal response of RL circuit, where the current increases exponentially up to Vcc/(Rsense +Rinductor)
The B/H graph is a completely different thing to what you are measuring. If there was saturation the graph would look like this
The pulse is quite short, you can let it run for say 100us and the resistor will be fine, just repeat the pulse only every second or so. You will see the graph tapers off at 11.2V.
I am starting to hate emf / emi what else....
I am again suffering with non-saturating coil.
When i connect it to two different powersupplies, 15Hz frequency works but it looks strange.
When i connect it only (that means power part and control part have same vcc) to second PSU (laptop charger) it starts to oscillate on 2khz frequency. i though it has not enough power, I added 15mF (yes mili) cap to VCC. No differents
Those experiments makes me love electronics...
Worth mention that current is 82A!!! Its measured on 10miliohm resistor. And it with 10x times probe.
In this case Bsmax is 1,5Tesla. Maybe mosfet do not like high current pulses? =) Also 82A could cause some voltage drops.
I am using if3205