Is 00.01ohm's increasing to 9ohm's over 3 seconds considered short-circuit?

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3.7V battery connector on a BT speaker PCB. On the Negative side there are two capacitors (connected to the trace with their Negative side) and a grounding plane. On the positive side an on/off switch. While turned off the resistance i get goes above 20M ohms, but when i turn the switch on i get 00.01ohm's gradually raising to 9ohm's. My concern is - would i short the battery (3.7V lipo) when i connect it to the battery connector and turn the switch on? I also added a glass 1.25A fuse on the positive side of the connector, would that protect the battery in case of a short-circuit ?


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Does it measure the same when you reverse the meter leads?
Yep the same thing, starts from 000.3ohms and after 3 seconds it reaches 12ohms and settles there. I still havent gathered the courage to plug the 3.7V battery. Thanks to Pommie explanation i'll make an attemp at turning it on (with a bucked of sand near me xD

P.S. It all started with broken usb charging port... i replaced the port and started assembling the speaker, plugged the speakers, the control board and the battery and then i decided to clean the mess flux residue.. "hm get the heating gun and melt that flux, easier to clean then", so i got some aluminium foil to cover the parts that i didn't need to heat (ICs, Caps etc) without realising that the battery is plugged in... *pew* i made a short between some live point and a ground plane and the damn IC blew. From what's left from the IC i was able to read "LTK5***", Took some searching, but i found the company (korean/chinese) and browsed through their LTK5*** ICs and it turns out that they got 3 models and only one with a solder pad below itself and with 10 pins, it had to be the model of the blown chip! So i ordered 3 of them and i replaced it. After that i checked the resistance while on/off and that 000.3ohms -> 12ohms thing happened and now im super confused and kind of scared xD


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