Is $20 a good price for a P16PRO40 Programmer?

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Mike - K8LH

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I just offered my old P16PRO40 Programmer to a Gentleman for $20 plus $3 shipping and I was wondering if you thought that was a good price?

I seem to have collected several programmers and the P16PRO40 has been sitting on the shelf unused for awhile so I wanted to pass it along to someone who could use it and I want to make sure it's a "good deal" for them...

It includes the 40-pin ZIF socket and a custom 22-inch parallel cable...

Thanks for taking time to read my post... Regards, Mike


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if it programs there favorite flavor of chip, then I'd say 20$ is a fair price.

(that ZIF socket's probably worth $8 new itself)
If it was a Belkin cable from Staples, it would cost around that amount or more for a 6 foot one. Plus that ZIF is going to be $11-12. You ripped yourself off.
Hey guys, thanks for all the comments... I was hoping it would be a "good deal"... Hopefully I'll hear back from this Gentleman soon...

Regards, Mike
bonxer said:
If it was a Belkin cable from Staples, it would cost around that amount or more for a 6 foot one. Plus that ZIF is going to be $11-12. You ripped yourself off.

You're a sucker if you buy cables from a chain like staples (I used to be one too).

Any electronic component site will have cables like that for dirt cheap. They don't put an outrageous markup on them like staples, best buy, etc. do.
Exactly. A good rule of thumb is to never buy cables (parallel, serial, USB) in a store that also sells printers. What they lose through discounts on printer sales, they make up for in 100x cable markup. -_-
Hi All
I was looking into getting a programmer like that. How did you like
it? Was it able to do most of things you needed it to? On E-bay I
see similar ones, but not sure if they worth the price. It would be
great to hear of someone's experience with this programmer.

i have made this kit myself. and right now im making another P16PRO40 on a breadboard. it sure is a simple and easy to build programmer.

i would definitely recommend you this programmer.

Best Buy is horrible with markup. I worked at one of them here in Kansas City. Our cost was around $6 and we sold them for $29.
Thanks Samchetah for your input.
Its helps to hear someones thoughts on a programmer before you buy it.

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