Is anybody using the free CAD program Solid Edge 2D?

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CAD program covers a lot of ground. What sort of design do you want to do ?
Extremely simple, but SE2D makes it hard.

I need to line up 2 x 5 matrix + 1 button and LED hole with labels.
Problem is, the program has no Align/distribute function so it's difficult to align the text centered below the buttons. It won't even tell me the center of the text block. I would have to compute where to move each block. I do get the height and width and the edges, but I want the center.

This will be a remote control label. A DXF of the label outline is done by the mfr. of the case. It consists of lines and arcs.

In the end it has to be vector artwork. Simple black lettering on a white odd shaped label that will be manually cut to fit a recess. Holes will be manually drilled (pilot point bit) and reamed.

I need some room to "play" to position the buttons and labels.
This program makes it difficult. I could do this in minutes using Vectorworks.

I'll also need another layer to line up an odd shaped PCB which has to be imported as the outline of the PCB. It's also separately in DXF form. Again, no align function.

Dimensions on the order of 6" x 3".

I was going to try KiCAD for PCB.
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