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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Is it just me?........

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New Member
Or ,are there a lot of people who come on here demanding that someone else do their work for them.

I am all for helping the next generations learn.....but what happened to using the internet to research and learn?....instead of just posting a demand that someone do their work for them?

Jeez! I guess I am just getting old and grumpy!:(
I wonder if some of these people came here a few years ago looking for homework answers and final year project schematics. Seems reasonable for those same college students who took the easy way through school, would later come back for the the easy solution to job assignments as well.
I wonder if some of these people came here a few years ago looking for homework answers and final year project schematics. Seems reasonable for those same college students who took the easy way through school, would later come back for the the easy solution to job assignments as well.

Wev'e had a few back asking for help in their interview assignment questions.!

They wonder why they get negative reponse from the forum.?
Lets hope they never get a job that involves the safety and welfare of others.:rolleyes:
Yes. What do you think we should do about it ?

Good question.....I am new to this type of forum, so I am stepping lightly.

But some of these kids make me cringe when I read their "Give me this now!" attitude. I can only wonder how they were raised.

I really want to tell them to get off their fat ass and do their own damn work.

When my kids were growing up and they told me they needed help on a school project that they have known about for weeks, and is due tomorrow, I would jump on their ass for being so lazy.

None of my kids are like this today!

OK, that's my rant for the day....

This is a good site, and I try to help when I can.

A lot of the posts here are valid questions, and I will help all I can.

But sometimes I want to "box some ears!":D:D:D:D
I think the expectations of many youngsters are raised by colleges and schools to a level which is not achievable by them in the real world.

I'm not saying that students shouldnt be encouraged and inspired by their tutors, but it should be realistic.

Does the Yes mean you agree that I am a grumpy old man

From one old grumpy guy to another yes.;)
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Does the Yes mean you agree that I am a grumpy old man!:)
LOL maybe but that makes two of us!

We have talked about setting up a forum for homework and school projects but have not done so. At the time I did not think it was a great idea because the fools would post all over anyway. I have changed my mind.

The new forum should have a sticky to explain how we will help with works in progress but not do it for you. About 90% of these these people could answered with a standard reply pointing out the school forum and the sticky regardless of where they posted.

Please post all request for help with class work to the school forum. Please read the "Things you need to know" post in that fourm prior to posting.

Thank You​

I would also hope the new forum and its stated policy of "not doing the work" would encourge members "not to do the work".

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LOL maybe but that makes two of us!

We have talked about setting up a forum for homework and school projects but have not done so. At the time I did not think it was a great idea because the fools would post all over anyway. I have changed my mind.

The new forum should have a sticky to explain how we will help with works in progress but not do it for you. About 90% of these these people could answered with a standard reply pointing out the school forum and the sticky regardless of where they posted.

Please post all request for help with class work to the school forum. Please read the "Things you need to know" post in that fourm prior to posting.

Thank You​

I would also hope the new forum and its stated policy of "not doing the work" would encourge members "not to do the work".


Maybe they have a problem with (ERROR) Gross management of time they cannot conceive the actual time it takes to (Conceive) (Implement) the layout to trouble shooting.

This timeline is probably the largest ERROR they make. And they do it over and over and over. Stop.

Maybe suggest the actual time it might take and let them see the bigger picture.

Proper time management skills are hard to develop and harder to implement.

This should be at the Core of the Sticky at the Start.

I would also hope the new forum and its stated policy of "not doing the work" would encourge members "not to do the work".

I would support this idea.
If we could redirect the 'school work' to a Forum, it would be better solution.
Schools colleges and university teaching personnel are just so overworked (lazy if you like) that they set assignments that can only be completed by plagiarism off of the Internet.

My wife (45YO) is currently doing a refresher course at Uni and she is disgusted at the level of the lecturers there. The math ones are fine, the design ones seem to change their minds from week to week.

My daughter is doing a double maths degree and I have had to talk her through the traveling salesman problem in Excel. FFS, why are they doing programming tasks in Excel, because thats what the lecturer knows. When she used VBA she had to explain it to him.

Anyone that has bittorrent should download Survivors that was produced in 1979. It gives you an insight of where society may find itself.

I am happy to help anyone on here if they have shown a modicum of effort. It's funny how posts that appear to be from students get answered and then the reply comes back, "thanks from an old man etc.". A recent example - no indication if student or not until the last post.

BTW, there are so many posts on here from students where their lecturers have set unrealistic targets and everyone on here has stated such that we should be questioning the competence of the lecturers.

I'll just repeat "Download and watch Survivors"

And plenty of posts from clueless students who put zero effort in their post. Plz post code and schematic... The really bold ones expect a paper they can submit :)
And plenty of posts from clueless students who put zero effort in their post. Plz post code and schematic... The really bold ones expect a paper they can submit :)

And the ones that put in zero effort tend to get zero replies. Looks like the system works.

And plenty of posts from clueless students who put zero effort in their post. Plz post code and schematic... The really bold ones expect a paper they can submit :)

Not to mention the ones who post the requirements, then end the post with 'need it by Friday, thx', and this is usually done mid week...
Not to mention the ones who post the requirements, then end the post with 'need it by Friday, thx', and this is usually done mid week...

And the number of replies is?

I feel that the pendulum has swung the other way and we may discourage legitimate posters because they asked the question in the wrong way.

We don't need posters that don't contribute but until we answer their questions we don't know if they will contribute.

The "I need it by Friday" posts stand out and get treated with the contempt they deserve, however, I keep seeing what I consider legitimate posts replied to with a venom that is not required.

Let's give people the benefit of the doubt before putting them down.

Everyone had to ask that first question.

P.S. the thing that annoys me more than anything is when I see posters with 1 post and a bad rep. Why do people do that?
It is not a case of the colleges expecting too much. It is more a case of the look at me generation growing up with lower expectations, standards if you will.

Perhaps we can blame the Baby boomers for spawning the generation X child which led to the Me generation. With Dr. B Spock, we went from time outs to rewarding behavior such as, not hitting your sister when she stood in front of the TV set as opposed to you just are not supposed to hit your sister. Little Johnny draws a circle on a piece of paper with a crayon and we honor him with exuberance as though he painted a majestic mural rivaling Michelangelo.

What we have done is created a generation of self indulgent, self entitled, spoiled do nothing brats that expect everything for nothing. No longer is hard work expected for a pat on the back, now we reward common behavior that would have once been considered expected behavior.

No those pants that hang below your crack are not appropriate, clean your damn nails, brush your crud filled teeth, put down the mind sucking Nintendo, and grow the hell up.

It is confirmed, I am a grumpy old man...
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No those pants that hang below your crack are not appropriate, clean your damn nails, brush your crud filled teeth, put down the mind sucking Nintendo, and grow the hell up.

It is confirmed, I am a grumpy old man...

The advertising media plays on the fears and expectations of the youngsters in order to apply peer pressure to boost sales/profits.

Nowadays they are targetting even younger children, its media exploitation.

If we complain about youngsters behaviour or try to advise we are sterotyped as moaning miserable old farts, the respect for the older generation has gone.

If we look at the 'standards' set by our politicians and adminstration, who when caught with their hands in the cash till or with their pants down, only have to say "sorry, it was an error of judgement! and walk away from the problem, what respect can we expect from our young.?
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The advertising media plays on the fears and expectations of the youngsters in order to apply peer pressure to boost sales/profits.

Nowadays they are targetting even younger children, its media exploitation.

If we complain about youngsters behaviour or try to advise we are sterotyped as moaning miserable old farts, the respect for the older generation has gone.

If we look at the 'standards' set by our politicians and adminstration, who when caught with their hands in the cash till or with their pants down, only have to say "sorry, it was an error of judgement! and walk away from the problem, what respect can we expect from our young.?

Good point but...
I have 3 older boys who grew up as Gen X and have been raised by my standards. I have led by example, govt not included. One of my boy works as a vet assistant, the older boy manages a retail store. The other one...well, he is, well what can I say, no one is perfect.

Bottom line, parents of today coddle too much and expect the schools and media to raise their child. The family unit has broken down, and once a kid decides to leave home that child never looks back. My boys call me regularly because they know I will be there for them. I raised them as my father rasied me. I was fair to my kids, rewarded good work, not mediocre work and I also frowned on poor work and bad behavior.

My kids don't use govt officials to gauge their own behavior, they use me as a gauge.

Blame govt if you like, but they should not be used as models. Parents should be the models.
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