Is it OK to use wirewound resistors in an oscillator circuit?

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New Member
im wondering if it is acceptable to use wirewound(thus inductive) resistors in a oscillating circuit? the circuit in question is here:

**broken link removed**

now i was able to salvage the 4.7ohm snubber resistor(also have a 5 ohm 5 watt that is close enough) and the two 15 ohm gate resistors off of some scrap circuit boards. they are all wirewound and have inductance to them. from top to bottom in the pic 40uH, 50uH, and 150uH.i found the 100k 2 watt also with inductance. i may be wrong and would like some verification, but seems to me it would be a bad idea. thanks for your input!


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Should be OK for the snubber (most will be wirewound), but use normal small resistors for the 15 ohms, they don't need to be high power.
If the switching frequency is high enough then inductance could increase the resistance and slow down the gates switching time, you'll also get some overshoot effects.
Better using carbons for that.
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