Is it worth it?

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My mum bought this Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner:
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I used it and it seemed okay, but I wonder if is REALLY as good as advertised? It cost us RM8000 (eqv approx 2500 USD).
I wonder if is REALLY as good as advertised? It cost us RM8000 (eqv approx 2500 USD).

Wow, for that price it would have to be fully automatic, do all the housework by itself and be completely silent in operation so I could sit back and do something much more meaningfull, such as watch TV, post on ETO, and have a beer!

I used it and it seemed okay, but I wonder if is REALLY as good as advertised? It cost us RM8000 (eqv approx 2500 USD).

Rainbow Vacuums are pretty good but, the holes system is based on a type of Multi - Level.

The gimmick is you buy one with the prospect of selling more, to get your money back out. It's loaded down on the front end of the sale, so that other people will buy and set you free of the purchase.

Where I live is the Multi level capitol of the world. More Idea's and company's like this are born in this state based on this Idea.

Normally most people will never sell a vacuum to their friends. Which is their overall marketing plan. People find out that you purchased it and come to a party showing off the product then leave. Some do some don't.
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JimB: Nope.. I still have to operate 'em myself. But I do think sometimes is it worth it just to dust off some carpets for the next 20 years for USD 2500, I really don't know. Hell, I'm just 23.

KV: I think you're right, they had a salesgirl or somebody to come and show me mam how to use it..
My sister has one and she loves it. Yes they perform as claimed. Are they worth the cost? IMHO NO! Even Dyson vacs are too costly and there are lower cost models that perform equally well, just differently. I have a very old rebuilt Electrolux that will smkoke the pants off any Dyson or Rainbow--- been proven infront of the salesmen more than once. It picked up left behind debris from the Rainbow and earned me $25 for proving their product isn't superior afterall. The thing with these uber, esoteric vacuums is they market a specific twist or feature of them. Kirby is another wallet robbing brand. Very sturdy construction but who needs to have their vacuum cleaner double as a paint sprayer, carpet shampooer, mattress inflator, etc? I buy specifically designed products to accomplish specific tasks, rather than a brand that claims to be a jack of all trades and master of none. It's like the Shop Smith tool... multiple power tools in one package. Lots of time to set up and tear down with expected average results. Dedicated tools perform somewhat better and offer features designed specifically to enhance that product. Those Kirby and Rainbows units dont easily access tight areas either... same for the Dyson. Then you have to screw around with attachments or a portable vacuum cleaner to finish the job ---- NOT GOOD!
For a $2500 vacuum cleaner, you could pay a housemaid for a long time to clean the home for you!

Below is that old Elextrolux --- unbelievable how this old puppy performs using old design and methods and carries a lifetime warranty!!


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care to give more details on your frankensteining procedures, HiTech?

Uuuuh not sure exactly what you are referring to regarding "Frankensteining procedures"? As for proving my Electrolux performed better than a Rainbow, A former neighbor of mine was a door-to-door salesman for them and part of his sales pitch/demo was to pour sand or salt on a carpet sample and bet the customer $25 if their vacuum cleaner would pick up anything the Rainbow left behind. My Electrolux picked up enough residual sand that it was noticable and he had to call his supervisor to report it. The supervisor approved a check for $25 to be mailed to me. At that point the sales demo was a bust for him and a chuckle for me.

As for attachments on brands like Kirby and Rainbow and some others, they offer attachments such as paint sprayer, carpet shampooer, amongst others.

Your mom didn't buy a lousy product. They are well made and last for many years. However they are costly and difficult to justify that amount to a good many folks. The Rainbows feature that the debris is filtered into a water bowl to assure no dust, dander, pollen is put back into the home's air. It's a much better method than the typical filter bags or wind tunnel debris traps often used. However, often cleaning of filters and replacement of HEPA filters seems to do an acceptable job in itself.

Hey, look what $2500 US-D will get you for cleaning your home:

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