Is the age of Electronics as a hobby falling down?!

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I like electronics than anything else and I don't know why , may be i like the shapes of the electronic components may be their smell. But every time i make a circuit for hobby I feel happy like never before..

I am happy of hearing that.

I also was very happy 10-12 years ago when I tried to design/make a circuit (I was a 19-21 yeras old guy at that time), But today i don't feel happy anymore! I just feel happy if and only if the thing I am designing is a NEW thing, nowadays I just like to be able to invent new electronic stuff!

Thanks again Val, for your long and very helpful post. you are a very wise man like most of other friends here in this forum.

Thanks Val For this post as well,

When I was reading your post, I rememberd something.
Did you notice that these days some new stuff/devices come up which have a "body" like their old fathers!? It is interseting that people would like to make the past alive by doing so and the customers are glad as well by buying & using those stuffs!
Yes as I told before, I am agreed that electronics as hobby is falling down, But what can we do so that do not be disappointment, Specially if we have put our life on it? aren't we able to change the situation somehow? For instance by trying to start a group to do "new" things related to electonics? What the scientists try to do in the universities or in the labs? They are designing/creating/improving new electronics stuff as well. Why we should not choice something like that as a hobby?

Even sometimes we can be creative by doing simple tasks which nobody thought about before!I remember a guy who created 4 separate electronics "blades" which you could very simply connect them to evrything (like to your keyboard or to a dish in a minute!!!) and cause them to flight! lol


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Hello Bob,

I sent you a PM.
I'll send you another one with a link.

Wow, I am very surprised. Plaese kindly inform me when you'll start the said thread.
To let you know a point, most of the times you can try to search an idea in the pattent websites with your kyewords to see if it has been done before or not. you even can get the PDF files of the new invents via those websites and try to improve them if you think you can! This way you can be an inventor as well.
Somewhat like Val, I grew up in the 1950's, remember those old tube testers, and got involved in electronics, but that involvement was for my main hobby, RC model airplanes. I certainly remember Popular Electronics.

Anyway, I was surprised the other day when looking for sale merchandise at Hobby King when an electronics starter kit popped up:

As one comment noted, it doesn't have wings, so why was it there? Maybe it is a good sign that Asian manufacturers have seen a need to fill a gap with cost effective alternatives. Radio Shack has been selling Asian-manufactured merchandise for as Long as I can remember. Now, you can get a serial display, MCU, breadboard, and more for not much more than Radio Shack sells the display alone.

I will try to start a new thread in this section to see if we can contribute to do something against it (at least for ourselves!)!!!

that sound very cool!
I don't think electronics as a hobby as dwindled, just a different landscape, all one has to look at is the explosion of the Arduino. Sure it's programming, but a good part of the platform is not just the programming aspect but the building of projects using discrete components and modules. Starting to see the same thing with the Raspberry PI.
I did'nt read through all the post, but I think that the mentality used to be: "this is the future".. and now, for hobbyists, it is more like "how can I ever catch up with this technology".

But, I think that for hobbyists it is not about technology (manufacturing), it is about inventing and solving problems. Prototypes are not meant to be pretty.. they are supposed to work.. plain and simple. If it works, then there is somebody who will pay to make it look pretty.

Thanks Steve For your post,

Well, to be honnest, as I mentioned Somehow In my previse posts the Electronic devices are going to be much more advanced/Popular than the past, so can potentially cause the PLEASURE of a hobby start to be much more less than before. I am not able to imagine what will happen in the next decades if the train of the technology movies with this increasing speed, So I am worried about putting my life in something for almost nothing (Ie be sad at the end of my way!)!!

And yes Always there are people who like to work/play with ancient things, but I don't think they are in majority after a decline If you know what I mean?...
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Bob, please post a link here to the "Thread"

Wizard, if you can and it doesn't happen. Please, put it here. I'm not always able to be by a computer reading "ETO" I would very much like to read it.

Thank you,
Bob, please post a link here to the "Thread"

Wizard, if you can and it doesn't happen. Please, put it here. I'm not always able to be by a computer reading "ETO" I would very much like to read it.

Thank you,

Hi killivolt,

Don't worry Buddy, I'll PM you.
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