Is the forum gettin less civil ?

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Coop Build Coordinator
Forum Supporter
To me it seems the forum has taken a turn for the worse. People seem less tolerant of others and at times post replies that insult the OP.

The old adage about not judging a book by its cover holds here. You should not judge a person by the first few posts they make. A person who seems dumb as a stump may possibly have knowledge in another area that would benefit the forum.

If the person knows squat, or ask too much, it is best to remain civil and provide what help we can. If you do not care for the person add them to your ignore list.

Every month or two I work with a person who wants to build a project that is way over their head and may or may not want the thing handed to them. A few carefully crafted replies or PMs gets them to the point where they will either start at the beginning or go away because they are not interested in learning.

Again it could be me, but it also seems that the electronic content is not what it used to be.
hi 3v0,

I thought it was getting more civil, I suppose its a subjective point of view.

I have seen about 3 or 4 newer members who have gone out their way to be offensive, making remarks not related to the threads technical content.
One or two long standing members, seem to lack the ability to be civil to anyone under the age of 21, its best just to ignore them.

Overall, compared to some forums I have used [past tense] this forum is well behaved.

I enjoy trying to help anyone who asks if I am able to and try to get along with everyone, but I will take nonsense from any other member and give as good as I get.

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I'm Really new here but compared to other Forums I have seen and used this is amazinglywell behaved and polite, the only issue I would mention is the terrible spelling such as: Cn U hlp Me Plz I hve a prob?
and so on and so forth.
Maybe I'm just a nit picker but it makes things hard on the eyes when reading and demonstrates what I feel is a lack of care for what you are saying or for the readers.
Of course those for whom english is not their first language or yonger members exceptions might be made but seriously.
Is this reasonable:
wat up cn sum1 hlp me?
Don't think so.
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Is this reasonable:
wat up cn sum1 hlp me?
Don't think so.

I agree, its not reasonable, its just sloppy and lazy.

I feel if they cant put a little effort in writing their question, it cant be all that important to them.
I also think this is a well behaved and civil forum but does seem to have gotten quieter lately - maybe it's me or holiday/exam/football time etc. I tend to reply mainly to code questions and try to post replies to all but the completely useless posts (pls hlp me make a ......).

It's also nice when you see a recently joined member start answering question that they themselves asked a few month earlier - it shows that the forum is serving it's purpose and educating people.

I think we've grown up quite a bit over the past few years. I haven't seen much lately, which I'd consider being obnoxiously rude, but I'm fairly tolerant, or maybe I'm on of the more offensive members... So I'm a little sarcastic sometimes, everybody has a few topics that really set them off. I don't like posts about free samples, the ones where people brag, or complain. Don't like remote detonators, even if I know it's some harmless kid. And, there are a few projects I feel pretty ridiculous to attempt from basic components, when you can get better and cheaper off the shelf, rather then spend a year or two trying to copy on your own. I don't think I'm excessively rude, least haven't been accused of it, lately... If I am, please post your opinion, I can learn to do better.
And, there are a few projects I feel pretty ridiculous to attempt from basic components, when you can get better and cheaper off the shelf, rather then spend a year or two trying to copy on your own.

I feel I should point out that there are likely ome people here who sometimes want to build something for the challenge rather than to actually achieve the purpose or function of the object, I am assuming you are not reffering to people trying to construct Cellular/Mobile phones and the like.
I am glad to hear that is just my perception.

Over time I have seen a good forums and mailing lists bite the dust when things got out of hand. I would not want that to happen here.

It seems that from time to time most of us get into the smart butt mode, I know I do. It is neat that we can have fun here between regular members, but not such a good idea with people who are new.

"Would you like french fries with that ?"

I won't post examples, as you may be right, although the individual should make that clear in the first post, that they realize it's a huge task, and just for the challenge. If the member starts off with a post, where it he seems to think it's a simple task... There have be quite a few over the years, where an individual hopes to replicate stuff, that takes a team many months or even years to complete. Some of the key parts might not even be available in small quantities. I'm really a function type, not to much on the appearance or how I reach my goal, usually simple and cheap, is the best solution. Others, I realize are perfectionist, every LED needs a resistor. Some need to know that their solution is uniquely their own, not similar or the same as anyone else's...

I state my opinion, nobody has to accept it. Some people always have to be right. Some people never make mistakes, I'm not one of these... We aren't always going to agree, so people express their moods in different ways. We should all be mature enough to take what's written here lightly, it's just words, they only have what power the reader wish to give them. If you don't like what you read, let it go, move on to the next post...
This forum is one of the most civil I've been on.

I visit another forum where name calling is rife and I was told to STFU when I suggested banning it. I didn't really care and just accepted it; I still like the place and visit regularly.

In a way I actually liked the rudeness and name calling. Tact and diplomacy aren't my strongest points. Sometimes I take a couple of miniutes to rephrase some of my posts which which I wouldn't have to do if it's was acceptable for me to call them an idiot and stop talking crap. I also like the way people on the other forum just say what they think so you know where you stand.

There could be a lot more rudeness and name calling here for all I care. I think the only thing is it would deter newcomers who might not be so accustomed to it which is why I agree that we should make it as civil as possible.
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I agree that its to have such a casual atmosphere, but it's not really appropriate online. Offline, you know to tone it down some, when a new person joins the group, or when you meet in a public place. Online, every word is preserved, and can be brought up with a simple search. You don't know who or when a new member is going to be viewing the trash-talk. No way of know how many people pass up joining the forum, based on what Google shows them of our little community. How many people join, read a few threads, and never return, never participate?

So, yes we need to keep it reasonably clean and civil. We need the new members, it what keeps the forum fresh and alive. We have great moderation here, are usually given the opportunity to correct or poor behavior ourselves, before someone steps in and locks the thread, tells us to play nice or be banned. Most of us have broken the forum rules from time to time, and they just let it go, just as long it's not a habit.
I concur with 'Hereo999' as forums go this one is remarkably well behaved. Yes, there is some rather rough ribbing of members on occasion down in '****-chat' but it's a long ways off being a mud-pit of insults.

However as with any forum or chat room, if your chosen topic is likely to stimulate debate then be prepared to defend your point of view and don't let it be hijacked by off topic banter from other members unrelated to the opening post.
it's the people that act like they have a soldering iron up their nether regions that annoy me. sure you know more then some people and sure google can help me find something if i search an hour for it but if you know it and you can explain it in 30 seconds exactly how it answers a question then why be an ass about it? also the contrary people who take everything from a text book as fact while telling you how bad your plan is. almost everything i have tried where one person said it was impossible have worked fine. you want a civil forum? tell the people who say "google it" and "that doesn't work but i wont explain my self" to simply avoid the post. to all of you who do said things above the term for posting such useless comments is called TROLLING
Yes, there is some rather rough ribbing of members on occasion down in '****-chat' but it's a long ways off being a mud-pit of insults.
... like when I go after my "short bus" buddy, Space Varmint?
That's ok though, cause he's joining my posse'. He'll be shootin' the wings off a housefly at 30yds. and plucking 'dem banjo strings on the front porch before long. He's got no need fer teknologee where he's movin' to.
: Cn U hlp Me Plz I hve a prob?

wat up cn sum1 hlp me?

I admid that english is not my first language as many others on this forum
and i do have a lot of grammar and spelling mistakes in my posts deu to dislexy and having realy a hard time to get a spelling checker working in the dialoge box

still the examples you give are in no way english or another teached language that i know and I simply cant response to that as i don't know it

For the civil part of the forum I think it's absolut not bad
(personaly i think it's getting better as that a few members express there ideas in a more balanced way than that before was the case)

everybody has his opinions and that will clash sometimes but if that hapends in a respectfull way than you have a pretty good platform to learn

Google an a few other sites have very reasonable on-line translation facilities that are free to use but alas have yet to find anything that can decrypt an adolescents text speak.

Next time a newbie appears using this dialect perhaps we should put our collective heads together and give a thorough and exhaustive reply in the same tongue that they are apparently comfortable using and see how they like it.

The thing here is, and I'm sometimes guilty, ok a lot of times. But, you get an idea, and you can get really excited and fired up about it.
Then you decide, okay, I'm building this, I'm getting on the bus, and riding it no matter what the road, but deep down, you do not get the full picture of the scale and magnitude of what you want to do.
But you see, maybe the end result only, or a small part of the whole thing, others might see the whole picture, because they are not stuck in your thoughts.
So you get carried away, and are under the impression that what you are doing is within your capability.
And then the wheels might come off, and you need help later on.

Pick your side in my story, it's lack of experience in some field, that does not make the person bad, but it's best, I think, to let the person fight his/her fight, till whatever result. Then that person gains experience and grow in life.

Does what I'm saying make any sense?
Lol, I've just remembered the other forum I post on even has an up yours smilie. **broken link removed**

I must admit, the sms culture language described above also drives me nuts.
Maybe it's because when I used to teach, some kids actually answered their test and exam papers in this ridicule of a language.
Needless to say, my first language is not English either, and I like to throw in a bit of South African slang here and there.
After all that is what makes us all unique, and maybe it'll teach each other a bit more about the other with the end goal of being more accepting of each other.
In any case, this is the first forum I've ever joined, I've read posts from quite a lot while searching for information.
And I like this one.
I do not enjoy it when people try to stomp others into the mud because they think they are better, because I've come to realise that no person is really better that any other person. So to me all are equal, and everyone should treat everyone else equally as well.
But unfortunately that is not the way of the world if I look at things.
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