Is the forum gettin less civil ?

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these are not serious issues. as I see this typing I get spell mistakes marked with red underline, almost like MS word.At times i cut and paste the word into MS office, search for the right word and bring it back here. I am also against the sms or chat codes being used on the forum. it is too early and it would only let an O P loose his ability of expression in internationally accepted nominal English at lest, if not a perfect English. Afterall I expect some of them to publish few articles later in their life.

then , difference of opinions is also not an issue. Unless we differ in opinions, the society would not have developed to this stage, and perhaps we will remain at Adam and Eve times only.

Main worries are letting down members on regional basis like so called 'cultured etc' indirectly telling the other man as less-cultured. after all we dreamt for the world to be a global village, by virtue of communications developments. I felt for the last three years approx, that i am now in a real society.let others share if I know something and simultaneously learn at my 62+, what I didn't in the past. At times i feel sad for the type of ragging behavior of few (very few) members.

Hope that our site offers its best to international community with no partitions across. and the world community gains from the renowned electro-tech-online
Tex speak is plane rude to use in a forum or in general acsepted writing protocol situation in my opinion it shows that your lazy and there is nothing sophisticated about it

I do agree that it might be easyer on a mobile phone but if you can't make the diference of when you use it than you lack a verry importand part of education in my opinion

some day it will end up in an official invitation from a company or so, well i would think twice to do business with them

these are not serious issues. as I see this typing I get spell mistakes marked with red underline, almost like MS word.At times i cut and paste the word into MS office, search for the right word and bring it back here.
In case you didn't know, you can just right click the underlined word and a list of possible spellings will pop up for you to choose from.
This is the only electronics forum I have joined. But I feel I was pretty lucky judging by some of the other sites. For the most part, I feel most people are very helpful and civil. I also appreciate the patience and restraint seasoned members have shown to others who had different opinions or were simply wrong in their analysis of a problem (I have been on the receiving end a couple of times). I, personally, do not want to be right all the time. You would never learn anything. Often times, I have to put my preconceived ideas, about what I think about a subject,aside, and be more open-minded. And to my surprise, I increase my knowledge base. I've learned a tremendous amount in my short 3 weeks on this forum through others and by doing my own research suggested by others.
Firefox and Opera both have a spell checker, Firefox's is the best because it underlines mistakes in red.

Internet Explorer doesn't have a built-in spell checker but you can install a spell checker add-on.

xnay on the igPay atinlay. Whatsay ifsay we askay to ypetay orrectcay. Beforeay we answereay.

Tex speak is plane rude to use in a forum or in general acsepted writing protocol situation in my opinion it shows that your lazy and there is nothing sophisticated about it
I somewhat disagree -- when communicating with folks of similar interests, using abbreviations is fine since they know the full meaning behind them. If the folks are of other interests, then yes it may not be appropriate.

EXAMPLE: since this is an electronic forum, I see nothing wrong when abbreviating words like xformer, xtal, xsistor, RF, DC, etc. Now if I were to use them in a Outdoor/Camping forum I could see the obvious reason to avoid it. Amateur Radio enthusiasts very often use abbreviations... in fact it's well accepted and almost a necessity be it verbal or written communications.

You are perfectly correct in standard abbreviations.

But things like wud for would, sk for seek, pleeeeeese for please, cum for come, etc are at times confusing and one might better use standard English.
It just calls for little more patience, as he is addressing to an international membership. Overall, it helps him/her to acquire a better English writing habit.

For the record I am capable of both decoding and writing the mysterious language of teenagers (most of the time), and yes because I am one; but using text speak or 'txt spk' outside of sms or private communique's irritates me.
So I'd be happy to decode for anyone.

Hi hitech

I don't have anny problems with standard abbreviations altough I am not familiar with Xsistor,Xtal ,X former

I asume it means resistor
Xtal don't have a cleu and the dictionary couldn't help me either
Xformer eeeh transformer

RF and DC is not a problem

SMS speak is just abracadbra for me and even when i try to run my imagination than still i have a hard time to understand what they try to say

and in my opinion its language with at least a form of standarazation of it that makes us understand eachother

I just lost my bi-filer wound I'm making a mixer.

"X" usually refers to "trans" like Xfer would be transfer.
I just lost my bi-filer wound I'm making a mixer.

"X" usually refers to "trans" like Xfer would be transfer.

It is also often used to replace the sound "kris" or "kros" in a word, such as in "railroad xing" (railroad crossing) or "xtal" (crystal). Many people refer to Christmas as "Xmas" (especially in informal writing) and on some forums, Christians are referred to as "Xtians". Some Christians find that mildly offensive; most of the ones I know don't.

Usually if I see a word starting with X which I don't immediately recognize, trying to sound it out with "trans", "kris", or "kros" will get me the answer.

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