Is the forum gettin less civil ?

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Come on now... you got bested by me on that Xvestite comment... that was some snappy thinking on my part. You do realize I was kidding? Note the I placed at the end.

And speaking of civil -- well sort of -- I see my "Question of the Day" thread got launched into cyber-space. What was wrong with that thread? We can't discuss the banning of a member?
sir i m 2nd yr student i need sum fissible , innovative and simple project for my current academic yr......plzz help me out over dis ....i need all possible help

It is often difficult to respond to post like above after falling to the floor reeling in pain as my top incisor cuts into my bottom lip.
It is often difficult to respond to post like above after falling to the floor reeling in pain as my top incisor cuts into my bottom lip.

*Bites back of hand to refrain from re-suggesting previous link from aforementioned thread*

**broken link removed**


Hi Mercur,

especially for forum members whose native languge is not English it is sometimes extremely difficult to decipher the meaning of such sentences. I guess it just sloppiness making people write SMS-style or may be ignorance?

It took me some time thinking about this sentence, not in this forum, but on another occasion: "C u l8er". Even if it is abbreviated to maximum possible it's wrong language anyway. I've learned "later" is not written with "eigh".

Or was there a change in spelling English which I didn't catch?

Kind regards

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You are right it is often laziness or sometimes for those who use SMS alot an accident, in the post you quoted I noticed some errors; these were due to typing in the dark.
The ones that really get to me are those were people write huge swathes of text in SMS style, on the subject of those who do not have english as their native tongue, a simple PM asking for clarification or simplification just a PM would be useful that way the poster can quietly explain things without using a post and removing any potential embarrasment.

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