Is the voltage bin code marked on to the LED package?

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Well-Known Member

We are using LEDs in parallel in our product, so we need the LEDs to be from the same voltage bin.
We are using the Osram Power TOPLED "LA E67F"

Is the voltage bin code marked onto the actual LED itself?, or is the bin code only on the reel or tape in which the LED is delivered?

Power TOPLED datasheet:
**broken link removed**

Do you know of any LED brands which have the voltage bin code marked onto the actual LED package?

We need it to be marked on the package so that we can check that the PCB assemblers are using LEDs from the same voltage bin.
I have never had a reply from Osram tech support, or any other led companies tech support.
I once asked them if they ever recomended leds in parallel and they didnt answer..
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