Is there a trick to fool MicroChips country limitaons

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Someone Electro

New Member
You cant get samples for slovene.So is there a way to get samples anyway.

I sen an e-mail to one of microchips distribution partners.And asked if i can get samples from them.(MIGHT work)

this is plan A and plan B is to send an e-mail to microchip saying that i want samples

$25 for postage is way too much so i will do anything it takes to get some samples.

Is it posible to get an busnis acount?(proboly wery dificult)
I know absolutely nothing about international shipping and money exchange and all, but you might ask randy at **broken link removed** about what he would charge to ship to you. He sells chips at great low prices, and no matter how much you order, his shipping within the US is a flat rate, and is the lowest around. He might be able to give you a deal.
Like this is a swell guy.You know any ones like this in europe (I SO hate shiping costs)

I asked him how much are the shiping costs(if its under $5 i might order it there)

Im still wating for elbacomp to anser me if the cod give me samples.

As for geting components its beter living in US

I foun out PICs can be hard to get (there are soooo many difrent ones)

Thanks a buch!
In think the doghter of my grandmothers sister is in US(i dont even know her name!)

You think that she wod pick up the components and take them in slovene ween she comes home.Did you mean that?

well i think my old budy on the forums "electrcic ryan"(you may still remember him) i think he is from US

Anybody knows anybody like that guy(randy).In europe
that is kind of what i ment ..
i ment if you knew somone in the US or another part of Europe you could have microchip send them your parts then they could mail them to you..
No i dont know any one close in other cuntrys

Or someone on this forums

Is it posible to send an paket to someone an the recipient pays the posting

meaby someone from Austria,Italy,Croratia...

Wod anyone do it?
Or cod i get also LCD free samples

LCDs are usefun for debuging (so you can see wahts gong on in the PIC) and well for varius projets

a job of yahoo agen (tody is 10 years from the opening(check out how it lookd like 10 years ago lol))
Luckily its still possible to get PIC samples from here. But have to register under a cmpany name. I am lucky so far. I get directly from microchip. PIC is cool, they should offer more samples.
You can apply for controllers from Texas and National too. I got few sample controllers from National but never use it.
yep.. I ordered my PICs under m company name, let's see what the response is going to be like. The order is pending, and the Est ship date is... 29 MAR 05. Sigh...

TI no longer offers a full range of samples - you can only pick off a list, I think it happened after a friend of mine ordered three boxfuls of samples.... to three diff addresses of course.
indecided said:
TI no longer offers a full range of samples - you can only pick off a list, I think it happened after a friend of mine ordered three boxfuls of samples.... to three diff addresses of course.

That's what ruins the samples service, abuse results in the service being ended or restricted!.

As you haven't got your location entered in your profile we don't have any idea what country you might be in?.
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