Is this amplification circuit possible?

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I don't know much about opamps.
The idea is to use various opamps in series, with different charateristics according to the input voltage, but with the main goal to increase the peak voltage,let's 5 or more volts, and mostly keep the sine wave frequency of the orginal circuit. Is this possible?. Assume you have all the necessary power source to power the opamps.
Well your diagram makes little sense - and why would you be using opamps at 20MHz?.

As usual, your question is far too vague - post EXACTLY what you're wanting to do, and not how you imagine it should be done.
Short answer is yes, but depends on frequency and you have to consider noise issues,
and common mode considerations.

Best to post what your source signal looks like, eg. amplitude, harmonic content,noise, filter
requirements if you need this....and then forum can give you a better answer.

Curious, why the transformers ? Their purpose ?

Regards, Dana.
the main goal to increase the peak voltage,let's 5 or more volts, and mostly keep the sine wave frequency of the orginal circuit

Normal opamps are not suitable for high frequencies; there are some that will work at high frequencies, but the circuit layouts then become extremely critical, otherwise they start to oscillate themselves.

There are dedicated video amplifier ICs that may be more suitable - but for a frequency source, transistor stages with tuned circuits may well be a better approach?

What voltage level is the source, and what voltage level - and in to what load impedance - do you want the output to be?
The graphics poorly depicts reality. What looks like only 2 dB gain per stage without impedance, power, loads and far too many stages. Cascading Op Amps quickly become useless with power gain due to fairly low current limits and slew rate limiting, if you are imagining any significant power.
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