is this circuit control board damaged or not?


New Member
This is a hot tub control board and takes a 40A relay for temp & hi limit.

I am wondering if anyone can tell by looking at the picture if the board is damaged?

I made a repair but now everything is shorting out and I am hoping it is not due to a damaged board.


  • picture of circuit board.JPG
    166.2 KB · Views: 109
  • 2-10-24 new relays for temp and hi limit.jpg
    5.2 MB · Views: 108
Top surface does not show traces, so hard to tell. From the top view, looks like desoldering the relays may have been difficult, perhaps some damage was done there. If you replaced the relays, were they the exact same types?
Re-check your wiring, putting a wrong jumper on the wrong terminal could cause a short.
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