Is this Real ?Free Energy Magnet Motor fan used as Free Energy Generator "Free Energy" light bulb

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New Member
Hi ,

Can anyone please let me know is this fake , if fake why ? if not what are the pros and cons of this method to generate electriccity

Free Energy Magnet Motor fan used as Free Energy Generator "Free Energy" light bulb
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No1 the fan has to generate enough power to light the lamp, any load presented to the fan (generator) has to provide the same energy in as is required to light the lamp, in other words you don't get anything for nothing, any P.M. motor will usually act as a generator provided the input power is sufficient for the load, I could not play the video so I don't know how the fan blades are being rotated.
I could not play the video so I don't know how the fan blades are being rotated.

You have to Play the Video on YouTube, Not on this forum.

Once Started to spin the fan, It Will light the bulbs, If the Magnet is in correct position, But it will not generate much power.
Hi ,

Can anyone please let me know is this fake , if fake why ? if not what are the pros and cons of this method to generate electriccity...
Welcome to ETO, Jeez!

Thousands of these "free energy" scams on the net. Don't believe any of them. The Laws of Physics dictate that you can not get something from nothing.

Google "entropy" and the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
The way I have always explained as what could be commonly seen as 'Free energy'/overunity is,

'If you're really smart enough to figure out how to make it really you're also wise enough to know why to keep it to yourself and why it's not for the reasons everyone thinks you would."

If you're really smart enough to figure out how to make it then you won't switch it on because that will likely be the last thing you do along with maybe a sizable part of the country from the energy-feedback explosion. With an efficiency of 110%, you could still get unlimited power output easily and maybe in milliseconds(the OU process might be FTL so it could blow-up before you switched it on) . That's too short to say the F-word before you're vaporized into atoms.

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The "generator" looked like a DC computer fan with little magnets mounted on its blades. Bringing another magnet near it "at the correct angle" will not cause it to continuously spin.
I wonder why the lights blinked on and off when the "fan" was spinning pretty fast. The lights should have been steady if something (some wind?) was propelling the fan.
Hmm, seem be the light bulbs had powered by room's THERMAL®®® energy. Then the bulb generated electricity. Then it cause the fan rotated. The man put his hand above the fan just for cooling because the room so HOT®®® (so "THERMALLY")!!!
There are two tests you can do with any proposition in life:
(1) Is it too good to be true
(2) If it were true, what would the consequences
Any over unity energy scheme falls flat on it's face on both counts.

Not to get too technical, a fundamental law of Mother Nature is "There's no free lunch."
Yes, I see the effect like you. The bulbs blinking pretty constantly while the speed of the propeller was serious varied. Seem be the bulbs are lit by a hidden wireless generator.

Not turning it on and just not telling everyone about what you have are two different things.

If you have a device that lets you live your life at whatever terms and freedom you want without hassle are you really going to mess that up for life by becoming a permanent public spectacle of yourself with zero privacy for the rest of your life?

If you have the technical mindset, skills and discipline to create such a device that uses a non conventional power source to produce an excess of usable common form energy you're also of the mindset that likely sees the point of having fame and high levels of public recognition as being counter productive to your lifestyle and that's just the tip of the situations and problems that come into play.

As I said, If you know how to make it work you know why you keep your mouth shut and it isn't for the reasons everyone else may think. If you want to use it to save the world you go do it through proxies and not directly yourself. Fame and fortune are little more than a golden cage. A very small golden cage compared to being an anonymous nobody who can do what they want and go where they want without recognition or hassle.

But what do I know? I'm just a free range bum who only does normal jobs for fun when he feels like they might be interesting enough to pursue for while and spends the majority of his life doing as he pleases and has done so since his 20's for reasons most can't begin to grasp that obviously still has all his needed molecules intact.
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