Is this simplified flowchart describe my code?

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imane tech

New Member
Hello Community !!

My project is about doing a simulation of a circuit in order to display a signal related to my pulse sensor. Actually, I'm not quite familiar with coding using the C++ language, I tried to make a flowchart that describes what is the code doing in general. So what Do you think? Did I neglect some important parts?

(I'm a newbie, so please just be patient!!)

What else can I provide to get some help?


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Hi Imane

Firstly, it's not a good idea to have two threads running on the same topic .. likely the Mods will want to modify that .. .

Have I got this right ? You're trying to build a circuit to emit a dummy pulse to test your pulsemeter ?

What have you done so far ? Built the circuit ? Tried but failed ?

You have made a historical invention. A decision point that has one "no" branch and two "Yes" branches. In this specific case, the "Yes" branch would do one chore and then the other:

A conventional approach is to have just two exits: "Yes" and "No". If the "Yes" branch can split again you would have a second test but you don't here.

In the "Yes" branch you would perform the two "Yes" tasks sequentially when using a single core processor.

1. Display the PPG signal in the plotter, and then
2. The LEDs will light up with the heartbeat

Or execute in reverse.


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