ISA bus in Eagle

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New Member
I haven't played around with Eagle for a while now, and yes, i did Google this question...

How would one go about making an ISA bus connector in eagle? Sure, i could buy an ISA development kit, but i do not want to spend $50+ on it when i already have access to a laser printer, copper clad, and etching solution.

I do not need the 16 bit right away, so i should be fine with the 8 bit part right now.

Oh, and for those who are wondering what i want to do, don't worry, i am wondering the same thing!

Actually i just want to make a simple adapter so i can interface the ISA bus to a breadboard (like i said before, i cannot afford the big development kits... )
Soggy yet?

Did not find a ready made part. CON-AMP has PCI card edge patterns but did not see ISA. Must be there somewhere?

If you are up to making the Eagle part try.

Look for "2.54mm Card Edge Connector Including ISA"
Then look for "Recommended PCB Layouts"

Should be enough detail to create the part.
maybe this will help you:

**broken link removed**

they've got one for under $20, with the 16 bit connector

Thanks for the link. I have that saved now as a reference!

maybe this will help you:

they've got one for under $20, with the 16 bit connector

Thanks. I will look into that if i cannot find anything else.

I had my eye on something like this:

But the one i wanted had a breadboard built right on the board. That would have been awesome! For some reason it just disappeared from jameco. I looked on ebay, but found nothing as well.
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