isolate modify address select pins

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I am using some tsl2561 light sensors with a pic18f4520 microcontroller. The micro communicates with the sensors via an I2C bus. The sensors have a possible voltage selected addresses available, vdd,float, gnd.

The problem is that i need to use 4 of these sensors on this micro that only has 1 I2C Bus capabiltiy. Is it possible to add some circuitry to isolate or modify the sensors that i would be able to use 4 of the sensors while only having 3 possible addresses??

Thanks for the input.
How about using four PIC pins, each one connected to the device address select lines. Keep three devices set to one address at any one time and use the other address in your I2C commands. It may seem a bit awkward but...
Mike said:
How about using four PIC pins, each one connected to the device address select lines. Keep three devices set to one address at any one time and use the other address in your I2C commands. It may seem a bit awkward but...

Mike, why would this be awkward? It seems to me like pretty clean solution.

Another possibility is to hardwire ADDR SEL pin on sensor #1 to Vdd, sensor #2 to GND, sensor #3 and #4 to PIC I/O pins. Sensors #1 and #2 would have different addresses, sensors #3 and #4 would share the address but only one floating would be addressed.

This one is little awkward, but only 2 pins
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