Issues compiling a new project...

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Hi all

I have included a zip file of a project I just tried to create. For some reason (probably a really obvious one) this never gets close to compiling... usually you get build failed but it hangs and I have to go into the task manager to shut down MPASMWIN...

This must be something simple...View attachment MENU


Where are the INCLUDE files located.??
Hi Eric

The idea here was to cut out a section of my project and send it to you guys as its not working... well I couldnt even get a really basic skeleton structure working I was going to include those later so in my haste I forgot to comment them out.... I guess the first thing was to make it compile as a shell and then add the code...
I didn't look at your code as I think the problem is your filenames. The name menu1.0.asm is not a valid dos filename. Get rid of the first period and change it to something like menu1_0.asm.

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