Its Christmas Eve

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My Dog is excited too...Santa Paws comes tonight. As much as I really can't be bothered with it all, it's beginning to rub off on me...

Merry Christmas folks
I'm going to have to change my avatar!!! I've drunk that!!! I'm on Glenlivet now
Excellent!!! Eric.... I hope you had a very merry Christmas!

A happy new year to you as well.... And all the ETO members...
Well also sat down to some nice Whiskey on xmas eve and what it cost under $10 to make and a mate that was around did say it was better than ANY whiskey he had tried before/ Who would of thought weetbix and cornflakes would make such a nice drop. Double distilled and nearly got enough to do a triple distill. Scored a heap of oak staves and the maple syrup method of aging worked a treat. Only problem now my Missus is starting to like it........
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