Its currently -6F outside. Where are all the global warming freaks?

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cadstarsucks said:
Well **it happens, then we roast! I had done some searches and found that there is still a lot of "discussion" on the matter and went and found an impartial source for the graph.

Don't you read the news papers or watch the news on TV?

A recent meeting convened by the UN of scientists stated that there is a 90% chance that global warming is caused by man.

If you search you will always find someone with a contrary view.

It is like the debate about whether cigarettes caused cancer. The tobacco companies confused the public for at least 30 years by claims that there was "no proof". Only recently did they finally have to admit the truth.

In the meantime, millions died.
Ok so I take a glass of water filled to the brim. I then drop in an ice cube and all excess displaced water is running down the sides of the glass. I then very carefully put the glass in a bowl. (somehow, I managed to not lose 1 drop).

1/2 hr later, ice cube is gone, and water level in glass has dropped. What just happened??? I thought the bowl would be half full by now.

Their is a moral to this story, don't believe everything about this massive flooding. The ice displaces more water, then if you added equivalent amount of water.

Try it and see.
ljcox. That's the second time you've quoted that 90% chance it's man's fault in this thread, which is complete bull. Could you please provide a link to validate it? I can't find any information searching on the bellow website, and it's nothing but hearsay to keep saying something without factual basis, not just "I heard it on the news".

While the whole smoking thing is absolutely true, anyone who has ever smoked and not known it wasn't good for their health is a freegin moron, you're inhaling the combustion remnants of a chemically treated dried plant.
ljcox said:
Don't you read the news papers or watch the news on TV?

A recent meeting convened by the UN of scientists stated that there is a 90% chance that global warming is caused by man.

Hardly reputable sources there, mate. Newspapers are a dying breed needing controversy to stay alive... tv is only genuinely interested in ratings, and the UN can gather enough people to say anything, as long as it promotes their being THE world government.

As I said in an earlier post, it is sheer folly to think that puny man can significantly alter the earth's climate when one Pacific Rim volcano spouts more delitrious material than all the factories in all the world combined have ever produced. Two centuries ago... or was it three, I don't remember... this country had the "year that had no summer". Weather was so cold farmers couldn't put out crops; snow fell and stayed in many parts of the country... all because of one volcano the year before and a capricious jet stream.

Maybe the climate is warming somewhat, but I doubt any of us, except perhaps Mark and some of the young'uns, will live to see any disasterous results.

A wise man once said that the way to control people is to create a problem where none exists, then be the solution. I think he spoke directly to this situation.

Regards all.
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audioguru said:
All the ice in the frozen poles of the earth will melt. The oceans will rise.
Won't Florida disappear into the ocean? Along with all the Caribbean islands.

Crap, do you have a timeframe on this? I never saw the memo? Charts (Hero999 help me out)? If the water comes up slow I can get in a car and run.

NO, I pick the RV, I load my wife, kids, and parts (and hook the vette to the car dolly to the RV), then run.

OK, never mind that part, does anyone have a date that I need to get the heck out of here (date as in a year??).. I have friends in Canada. I worked for Mitel for 15 years. I can call some folks. I can bring a lot of chips too..
You might have about 20,000 years before the water rises high enough to scare you away. The alligators will eat you first.
mramos1 said:
I have friends in Canada. I can call some folks. I can bring a lot of chips too..

Hey, Pal! Stop here an pick me up. I live in a valley only 920 feet above sea level. It might get me too.

But if we go toward Canada, won't that be where all the water's coming from?

On second thought, let's go to Mt. LeConte. It's the highest place in Tennessee (6,500 feet, 3000+ meters), and there's a nice lodge up there.


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In the late 80's I was involved in the development of an automatic weather station for cold regions. During the research, I was alarmed to discover that existing equipment would freeze into a solid block of ice for a good deal of the time. It came to light that the Department for Taking Inaccurate Measurements With Archaic Instruments ( I've never used their proper name since) would "just guess" at the data during these times. Since then I have become convinced that climate records have been a somewhat haphazard undertaking, many data having been guessed at due to a disinclination to go out in the rain.
So all I can say is "It's hot today". Last week nobody remembers. Global Warming? wot?
They may sound stupid, but I remember when I was growing up, in 78 or 79, the year of the solar eclipse for this region, we could fry an egg on the blacktop it was so hot.

We could barely walk on the blacktop with no shoes on, when we would go swimming.

And now it's not so bad.

Try the ice in a glass thing and become even more suspicious.
Here is a bigger threat. The sun will blow up and then self implode. Yes it will happen. Same frickin thing, same end result. Your all dead.

This is all natural, the sun maybe hotter or sun spots have moved etc....

One large volcano, spews out more greenhouse gas then all factories, or cars put together, in a month. Meanwhile, the trees and ocean is absorbing it to.
It's a cycle , and that's it. Has our tree planting in the prairies (millions of them), been for nothing? or was that some bright idea with no foundation on it again.
Planting the trees was supposed to be a way out.
I guessed they screwed up there to.
hjl4 said:
Here is a bigger threat. The sun will blow up and then self implode. Yes it will happen. Same frickin thing, same end result. Your all dead.

Well that sort of takes all my planning out of it, and I will never get to pickup AllVol and head for the mountains..

And "you're all dead"? Where are you sending your message from?
Sorry, I meant "were" all dead.

As far as you and AllVol, your looking to die a few seconds before me, as I live at 600ft above sea level. Up in the mountains, your closer to the sun.

I guess the fish at the bottom of the sea have it made.
A wise man once said that the way to control people is to create a problem where none exists, then be the solution. I think he spoke directly to this situation.
Seems to be quite popular these days, and not just having to do with environmental issues.
BeeBop, that says it all. And it does seem to be that way. Hey, we still know who Al Gore is (you know, internet inventor). Trust me he is making money on all this hipe.

Well, if it "does" happen and I make it to Tenn. to get AllVol, he drives from there and I watch DirectTV until is goes off. Then Xbox I guess until we go *poof*.
hjl4 said:
Is this a private party?

By no means. We are trying to escape the impending flood, so come on along.

Be warned, however, that in another **** Chat thread, they're saying the earth's magnetic field is due for a flip-flop, so if that occurs, I won't be able to tell which way is E.

Better triple up on the cheeseburgers, M.
AllVol said:
Don't forget the double bacon cheezeburgers, giant fries, apple pies and diet Cokes.

Why diet cokes? Seems out place with rest of it. Does this compensate somehow for the abuse to your system? No offense, just see this sort of thing often at the grocery store, seemed kind of an odd.
HarveyH42 said:
Why diet cokes? Seems out place with rest of it.

That's exactly the point. Glad you caught it.

We seem to be obsessed with the questionable problem of global warming, all the while clogging arteries with today's junk food. Just human nature, I guess.

Anyone know where I can find diet HoneyBuns?
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