Its related about sensor

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New Member
Hello everyone. Is there any sensor can gets that works as follows,if the sensor find any obstacles between IF LEDs and receiver(Sensor) the sensor will give accurately 5V accoss its terminal and when sensor finds no obstacles then it will give O across its terminal or vice-versa.
You're talking about comparators. The sensors you asked are the ones you mentioned: IR receiver. Download the datasheet of op-amps (See the sticky for this forum).

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly but I think you might be asking about a photo interrupter. Is this what you are looking for?

**broken link removed**
What distance (from transmitter to receiver) do you need to span?
.... the sensor will give accurately 5V accoss its terminal and when sensor finds no obstacles then it will give O across its terminal or vice-versa.
What do you mean by "accruately"? Are you referring to the voltage level or a time reference?


TSOP1738 sensor....check out its datasheet
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