I've been seaching for viable answers to this questions but i'v not gotten any ti sen

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1. Design a data acquisition system for forecasting the weather condition. ( the lecturer is expecting a write-up. it cant be programming since that'll be really long. so i'm guessing he wants a block diagram nd explanation but i don't know what to write.)

2. Write short notes on single phase and 3 - phase energy meter.

3. discuss the design consideration for current transformer and voltage transformer as instrument transformer used for measurement purpose in the power industries.

Would be really grateful for the help.
Oh come on! you must be able to come up with some ideas of your own!

There is no one "textbook" answer to your homework, and I suspect that your lecturer is expecting to do some thinking of your own, maybe along with a little research, then come up with your own ideas.

Let me get you started -

Q1 maybe some kind of temperature measuring device would help forecast, and maybe a way to send the temperature to some other device for recording? What other things might you need?

Q2 what kind of things might you measure to find out energy use?

Q3 can't think how this is done, so if it were my homework I would Google all about instrument transformers.

Try and make some effort on your own, then post your ideas here to see if we can come up with improvements or correct errors.

Just posting a bare set of homework questions shows no respect for forum members or for yourself.
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1. Dont know what resources you're allowed to use. Do you assume some sort of grid of weather stations to be tied together?

2. Same as ower. I could elaborate, but I think only you and your class mates can answer that. Is this the actual question you got? If you're absolutely in need to note something short, then tell how to connect it properly.

3. It need to fit on the cable ladders or otherwise be easy to attach - and be wide enough to let the cables through. And then there are electrical characteristics that you probably is supposed to elaborate.
In the book **broken link removed**, there's all the code and diagram for making a weather forecaster that pulls the forecast from the net and displays it on analog meters.
as i said, i'v researched the data acquistion system and it is more of a hardware than a software. Thats how the questions were given.
for question 2, it seems theres not enough data on that one because i didnt really find anything usefull on the internet. I only found on the 3 phase energy meter. for question 1, thats how the question was given. Therez still a little controversy in class as to what the lecturer wants. He obviously doesnt want the programing language. For question 3, i'v found enough materials for current nd voltage transformer. My problem is the design consideration. For both of them. Didnt really find any good material on that.
For question #1, are you simply unsure of what to measure to forecast weather?

In the pre-digital era, "home weather stations" usually included sensors for temperature, barometric pressure, and humidity. Of the three, barometric pressure and humidity are probably the more important for forecasting. I would add wind direction to the observations. Wind direction and particularly a change in wind direction will indicate the direction from which a storm will come or where it has passed.

Here's a link to some simple wisdoms, pay particular attention to #'s 5,6, and 7: https://www.wikihow.com/Predict-the-Weather-Without-a-Forecast

Any introductory book on weather or aviation weather will help you put it all together.

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