I've read 'sticky'.. ICD2 programmer..

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hi all..

i am thinking of making ICD2 inchworm by myself..

i hope if i can get the circuit diagram by myself...

i've read the sticky.. but i got nothing...

i hope.. i may be helped...


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one more question..

How does ICD (In Circuit Debugger) works?

Also the difference between: Programmer vs. Debugger..


The programmer mode simply programs, reads or erases the PIC including EEPROM & Config fuses.
The debugger uses special hardware found in many but not all PICs that will let you set breakpoints (stops) and single step through you program. You can view/modify SFRs and RAM. The ICD2 will install a small program in the last 1/4K of Flash memory and often use a byte or two of RAM.
IMHO it's an incredible tool.
Debuggers are becoming standard features in many microcontrollers.

That's good.. i think programmers will soon bacome things of the past .. Had the ICD is the ultimate product.. should be recognised by microchip...

Thanks Bill..

I think i'll have to make thorough study of things that are used with PIC along with this microcontroller...

till then

Thanks Bill..


simrantogether said:
That's good.. i think programmers will soon bacome things of the past .. Had the ICD is the ultimate product.. should be recognised by microchip...

The ICD2 is a MicroChip product!.

But as MicroChip provide full circuit diagrams and the software for it, it's fairly easy (and much cheaper) to make a compatible clone - like the Inchworm and Inchworm+.
thanks once again...

Nigel Goodwin said:
The ICD2 is a MicroChip product!.

But as MicroChip provide full circuit diagrams and the software for it, it's fairly easy (and much cheaper) to make a compatible clone - like the Inchworm and Inchworm+.

well.. so much of things are available by microchip.. that's a good thing...

i feel.. i've to put much emphasis on research work of these things because.. it is one of the imortant things to work with...



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