iwant help

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New Member
hi my name is yasser
i have aproject about interfacing three devices
i want your ideas about any projects use this componets
merci for your response
first ihave aproject about sound recorder
take asignal from amike then pass it through adc then by the o/pdigital signal pass it through microcontrollers then make some process on the signal
the interface it with dac then hear the sound on speakers

but iwant more ideas
and circuits diagrams

Hi yasser,

if you want to start with a voice recording chip you might omit some of the components in your list - A/D conververter, external memory and UART.

The ISD1700 (Winbond) sound chips have everything on board required to record, playback etc. as a stand alone device.

Using a four wire serial interface (SPI - /SS, SCK, MOSI, MISO) you can additionally access the internal memory at any desired address for multi messaging.

Depending on the sample rate the record/playtime can be set from 20 to 480 seconds with various chip types.


thanks for your idea
but iam restricted to use this components to learn the interfacing between them
so ineed your help first for more ideas and for circuit diagrams

Make some sort of data aquisition unit that interfaces a sensor into the A/D to the uP and connects to PC via uart.
Sure you do, but that would be cheating. Youll need a mic preamp into the up ADC, or not if its a line input, and then a pwr amp into a speaker. And code to do the transfer from the input A/D to the output D/A at least. You cant ask for a custom designed solution, thats what you need to do, searching for clues on this forum or google
If you google for "ADC circuits". Google "UART microcontroller interface circuits". etc. etc.

You will find all the blocks you need, then you tie those blocks together and have what you are after. Well almost what you are after, as no one here will design it for you.

You did not mention any part numbers, but you say you can't use the Winbond chip?
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