Hi. I have built "Jacob's Ladder" from microwave parts. Amplifier, condensator and two bicycle spikes as "antennas". I have two problems. I'm unable to create selfigniting spark. And second problem. My amplifier is starting to burn after 10-15? sec. And I have no idea what to do with that.
Here is best I cud get out of it. (and then I didn't use capacitor).
Current rig:
Possible couse, might I need to use copper "antennas"? I tried it at first, but they were too thin, and burned in 2-3 sec.
Thanks a lot for any advise.
I can barely call myself an hobbyist. Just started to learn basics. So, sorry for primitive questions.
Do you understand what makes the Jacobs Ladder sparks climb? " The heated ionized air rises, carrying the current path with it. As the trail of ionization gets longer, it becomes more and more unstable, finally breaking. The voltage across the electrodes then rises and the spark re-forms at the bottom of the device. " from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spark_gap
Your microwave transformer is barely high enough voltage but could be made to work. You would need to put the bottom of the electrodes closer together so they can jump the gap. If you keep trying to do it with your pliers and the wire lead, you are looking to get hurt or even killed. And adding a clear cylinder around the electrodes, with them inside will make the ladder work better, it keeps the heat from the arc more concentrated.
I do understand physics of this rig. I even tried to put candle under it to create ionized ear under the spark gap. Didn't work. And I know dangers involved (usually I wear gloves and make shore that I'm not grounded). Bue the way. With this rig you should be careful around electronics. Magnetic field almost killed my PC.
Ok, I cud try to fine tune spark gap. but there is still a problem with overheating of converter. Is there any solution to it?
If by converter you mean the micro wave transformer, they aren't meant to be used that way. To the transformer it looks like a short circuit. You need a better high voltage source.