JDM 1 resistor programmer

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To eliminate the problem being associated with the usb/ser convertor, try programming on a normal pc with a std com port.

I dont belive that the usb port can deliver the same signals that a serial port can.
I tried with my friend's laptop it is also not working.
Is their anything i should take note?
I wouldnt bother pursuing the Q&D method, if you cant get it to work, build a proper programmer like this one:

**broken link removed** which does work.....I've built several. All work first time.Search the board there's a pcb layout on here somewhere that I posted a while back.
The easypic schematic is wrong if you compare it with the newpic circuit. I think the cathode pin of D1 and the + end of C1 should be connected to the other end of R2 at the base pin of Q1.


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Guys thanks for your help.
I tried both the programmers and it worked.
The 1 resistor also worked but my serial port do not produce enough voltage (4-6V) I added a 9v battery and it works.

To Chippie:
I wanted somethign simple and very low cost that i can ask those who are new to electronics to do and i dun wish to troubleshoot many boards :wink:
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