Power (+5v) goes to the Vcc pin (pin 5);
Ground goes to the GND pin (pin 13);
J & K both go to a logical HIGH which is +5v to set up the toggle function (pins 4 & 16 respectively);
Preset and Clear both go to a logical HIGH to disable them (pins 2 & 3 respectively);
The input is to the CLK (pin 1);
Output is at Q (pin 15).
So, when you're done, your "Wire 1" will connect to pins 2, 3, 4, 5 and 16; "Wire 2" connects to pin 1; "Wire 3" connects to pin 15; and "Wire 4" connects to pin 13.
There are two JK flip flops in a 74LS76 and they have common Vcc and GND pins. Otherwise they are fully independent of each other.