Jumper wire

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New Member
hi sir/ma'am how to make a female jumper wire. is there any way to make it nice
without using end connector pins like this one. tnx

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If you can find some machined type solder pins of the correct diameter, that should work better.
it depends if you need permanent or temporary connection. if you just need something to try thing out quickly, the simplest way that does not require crimp pins is to use stranded wire of larger diameter (AWG16 for example). just cut the wire to required length without stripping ends and without doing anything else just push the wire end onto a header pin. insulation will comply and stretch a bit and you will have a temporary connection. this hack job will not be suitable for long term use or reconnecting.
Not sure if this will work for you: https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/881545-1/881545-1-ND/2188246 It's not a jumper wire, per say, but it is a jumper/shunt. Smaller ones are used on disk drives to set options.

The female pin that you linked to, usually does have a 1-pin housing. A crimping too will make it look rather nice Add a little heat shrink (remember to put it on before crimping) and your done. If you want it to look a little better, use the heat shrink with the adhesive.

If you use this with the proper header, you should not have a problem. https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/87175-2/A26920-ND/298268
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