JuneBug - BS250 orientation

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SUCCESS!! (well.. almost)

Top 1/2 of board appears to be working now. Bottom half.. not so much. (No blinky led's). I'm wondering if this may be a problem with my build tools, as they may be trying to link things in a way that would support a bootloader in 0x000 - 0x200. [Something I did for supporting a *different* board]

Too bad "real life" is about to rear it's head for a couple of days.
It is... ALIVE!!! (Bwwwwaaaaa ha ha ha ha!)

PHew... now I'd better back this away before SWMBO sees me still working on it.

Thanks for all the consultations!
LabRat said:
It is... ALIVE!!! (Bwwwwaaaaa ha ha ha ha!)

PHew... now I'd better back this away before SWMBO sees me still working on it.

Thanks for all the consultations!

Great, glad to hear it. What is a SWMBO?

What language are you programming it with? PS the bootloader has nothing to do with the 18F1320 on the Tutor.
blueroomelectronics said:
Great, glad to hear it. What is a SWMBO?

She Who Must Be Obeyed.

It was popularised by a TV series lawyer called "Rumpole of the Bailey".
blueroomelectronics said:
Great, glad to hear it. What is a SWMBO?

What language are you programming it with? PS the bootloader has nothing to do with the 18F1320 on the Tutor.

I have a different board that had a 18F452 (with a serial bootloader on it). In order to get THAT board to work properly, I had to edit the MCC library files and recompile. Because of that when I first programmed my "demo" code, it picked up those libraries and would not work.

**broken link removed**

I will have to work out a way to get support for both build environments going.

I'm using C right now, as I'm more comfortable there. With time I can work through the assembly (much like.. with time I can determine the likely BAD component on my board.

But I'm workin' my way down.

SWMBO - She Who Must Be Obeyed.. (who likes to refer to me as HWMO)
LabRat said:
Logic Probe, Multi-meter, and a GameBoy Oscilloscope (see GBDSO)
How do you like the GBDSO? I need to get a DSO of some sort to use at school. Mostly to look at port activity.
3v0 said:
How do you like the GBDSO? I need to get a DSO of some sort to use at school. Mostly to look at port activity.

As a geeky toy.. it's great. As a useful tool, it's a little on the weak side mostly due to: a. Not very fast, and b. dealing with a 4 button user interface.

Someone was telling me about some newer USB based DSO product out there, in the sub $150 range.

My workbench also has a MINI-LA, and a small JTAG interface as well (can't recall the name). Most home/brew kit type stuff.
Of course... if someone wants to make a cartridge for the Nintendo DS that would do similar functions as the GBDSO....
You can check the configuration of your BS250 by checking it's diode inside
btw is it normal that the led8 (Amber) slightly lits up? i'm in the initial testing part led7 (Green) lits fully
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