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JuneBug SIRC RX - Complete

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Hi All,

Thanks to the great advice given from this site I utilised the IR module of my JuneBug to detect SIRC codes. I have included the completed the code below - Thanks to all who helped!

How it works
The IR receiver has its output put into RB0, I configured INT0 on this port to trigger on the falling edge - or the beginning of a pulse.

When this happens the code clears TMR0L and enables the timer, the INT0 interrupt is then altered to fire upon the rising edge.

When this occurs TIMER0 is disabled and a reading is taken from TMR0L.

Taking TMR0L readings from as far away as 10 meters, gives me.
0x12-0x14 = for a StartBit
0x9 - 0xB = for a "one" bit
0x4 - 0x6 = for a "zero" Bit

What the code doesnt do
1. Nigel Goodwin's tutorials indicate the possibility of "extended" SIRC codes, these have not been accomodated into this code (but could be).

2. does not have any output routines, sorry I just wanted to check the IR functionality and so I havent patched this into any LCD code etc.

How to get it working
Best to run from MPLAB IDE in debug mode, when first run LED1 will light indicating it is ready to receive a code, when you fire a SIRC code at it LED2 should light indicating it has received a valid code.

At this stage, stop the debugger and inspect variables CommandCode and DeviceCode you should see the relevant 7 and 5 bit values.

To start again, run the debugger and press button 2 on the JuneBug to begin again.

	list    p=18F1320
	include	<>
;	include	<>  - Dont need

btDone	equ	0x0
btStart	equ	0x1
btCommand	equ	0x2

	cblock	0x00

	org	0x0000
	goto	Init

;* Interrupt Service        *

	org	0x0008

	bcf	LATA, RA0
	bcf	LATA, RA6
	btfsc	IRStatus, btDone	;Has a code already been read?
	goto	ISR_Done
	btfsc	INTCON2, INTEDG0	;Check if falling or rising signal
	goto	Rise

	clrf	TMR0L		;Reset Timer

	movlw	b'11000111'	;Enable timer 0, use 8bit counter, use 256 prescaler
	movwf	T0CON		;Do it

	goto	ISR_Done

	clrf	T0CON		;Disable timer 0
	movff	TMR0L, Time2	;Put timer 0 value into storage

	movlw	0x11		;Check for start pulse,
				;should be between 0x12 and 0x14
	cpfsgt	Time2		;Greater than 0x11?
	goto	CheckZero
	movlw	0x15
	cpfslt	Time2		;Less than 0x15?
	goto	IRError		;Start Bit exceeds tolerance
StartBit				;We have a Start Bit
	btfsc	IRStatus, btStart	;Check if already set (ERROR)
	goto	IRError
	bsf	IRStatus, btStart	;Flag IRStatus 

	movlw	0x7
	movwf	BitCount
	goto	ISR_Done
	movlw	0x3		;Check for zero pulse
				;Should be between 0x4 and 0x6
	cpfsgt	Time2		;Greater than 0x3?
	goto	IRError
	movlw	0x7
	cpfslt	Time2		;Less than 0x7?
	goto	CheckOne
ZeroBit				;We have a zero bit
	btfss	IRStatus, btStart	;Check if we have previously had Start Bit
	goto	IRError
	movlw	0x00
	movwf	Bit
	call	ProcessBit
	goto	ISR_Done
	movlw	0x8		;Check for One Pulse
				;Should be between 0x9 and 0xB
	cpfsgt	Time2		;Greater than 0x8?
	goto	IRError
	movlw	0xC
	cpfslt	Time2		;Less than 0xC
	goto	IRError

OneBit				;We have a One bit
	btfss	IRStatus, btStart	;Check if we have previously had Start Bit
	goto	IRError
	movlw	0x1
	movwf	Bit
	call	ProcessBit
	goto	ISR_Done

	call ClearVariables
	bcf	INTCON2, INTEDG0	; Interrupt on falling edge

	clrf	LATA

	retfie	FAST	

;* End of Interrupt Service *

;* Routines        *
	btfss	Bit,0		;Check if bit set
	goto	WriteZero
	bsf	ScratchCode, 0x7
	goto	RotateRight
	bcf	ScratchCode, 0x7
	rrncf	ScratchCode
	decfsz	BitCount
	btfss	IRStatus, btCommand
	goto	CommandCodeDone
	rrncf	ScratchCode	;a couple of more rotations
	rrncf	ScratchCode
	movff	ScratchCode, DeviceCode
	bsf	IRStatus, btDone
	movff	ScratchCode, CommandCode
	bsf	IRStatus, btCommand
	movlw	0x5
	movwf	BitCount
	clrf	ScratchCode

	clrf	IRStatus
	clrf	DeviceCode
	clrf	CommandCode
	clrf	ScratchCode

;* End of Routines          *

	call	ClearVariables
	bsf	OSCCON, IRCF2	;Set Internal 8MHz

	bcf	ADCON1, PCFG0	; Set RA0 as digital
	bsf	TRISB, RB0	; Make RB0 Input
	bsf	TRISB, RB2	; Make RB5 Input

	bsf	ADCON1, PCFG4	; Make RB0 digital

	movlw	b'10111110'	
	movwf	TRISA

	bcf	LATA, RA0
	bcf	LATA, RA6
	clrf	T0CON
	movlw	0x13
	sublw	0x13

	bcf	INTCON2, INTEDG0	; Interrupt on falling edge

	bsf	INTCON, INT0IE	; Enable INT0 interrupt	
	bcf	RCON, IPEN	; Disable priority interrupts
	bcf	INTCON, INT0IF	; Clear INT0 flag - This stumped me at first
	bcf	INTCON, PEIE	; Disable peripheral interrupts

	bsf	INTCON, GIE	; Enable global Interrupt
	bsf	LATA, RA0		;Light LED 1
	bcf	LATA, RA6
	btfss	IRStatus, btDone
	goto	Main

	bcf	LATA, RA0		;Light LED 2

	btfsc	PORTB, RB2
	goto	WaitForRB2
	call	ClearVariables
	goto	Main
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Hi Bill,

You can remove that line, it links to the charlie plexing macros (you wrote actually) but I didnt get to use them.


May I make a couple of observations
1. Change INTIO1 to INTIO2
2. Use "bra" instead of "goto" (short 1K branch)

Nice use of the compare instructions, so handy to have.
I noticed you had fun with 18F interrupts too, they can be a little confusing at first. "retfie fast" is a sneaky one for anyone used to 16F PICs.
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Would it work here

Hi UTMonkey,

I have also purchased a Junebug. Great little Tutor/Programmer.

I bought it for the exact same purpose. To receive SIRC codes (or very near SIRC code).

I have a Neuros OSD digital recorder that uses what looks like Sony SIRC protocol. See here, pages 5 & 6 of the link below:

The IR is fairly close to Sony Sirc.

I wonder if your code would work?
Would your SIRC work here

Well done on your SIRC RX and well done to Bill on the Junebug!!!

I just bought a Junebug with the 18F1320 so I could maybe develop a SIRC
rxer for the Neuros OSD (

The OSD remote uses an IR protocol very close to what you have designed.

Could your code be used:

Check out pages 5 & 6 of the link here:

**broken link removed**
That sure looks like it'll works. There is tonnes of code for SIRCs and PICs on the net. The Sony transmits at 40kHz but the 38kHz detector on the Junebug will see it fine (digikey sells the 40kHz Vishay IR detector). UTMonkeys code should work fine, do you know how to use the MPLAB debugger?
And thanks for the compliment.
Hi Ex-Navy,

I agree with Bill, it is SIRC.

If the start bit takes 2.4ms then a "one" bit is half that (1.2ms) and then "zero" is 0.6.

It may be a bit reckless but I was thinking of altering my code to assume the codes it would receive would always be SIRC. That way the first bit could be "measured" and the 1 and 0 bits could be deduced from that, rather than expecting a particular timing.

Good Luck

UTMonkey said:
Hi Ex-Navy,

I agree with Bill, it is SIRC.

If the start bit takes 2.4ms then a "one" bit is half that (1.2ms) and then "zero" is 0.6.

It may be a bit reckless but I was thinking of altering my code to assume the codes it would receive would always be SIRC. That way the first bit could be "measured" and the 1 and 0 bits could be deduced from that, rather than expecting a particular timing.

I don't really see the point?, if it's SIRC the timing is already known (bearing in mind the width of the pulses isn't accurately transferred by the IR link), and if it's not SIRC then it's completely different anyway.
There probably is'nt, and I have moved on since I developed that code.

This is only for development, so the only "point" would be for me to enhance my knowledge, and lets face it - the journey involved in enhancing my knowledge is bound to lead me up some blind alleys. but that will have taught me something as well! ;)

All the very best!
Learning MPLAB, Sirc Rx and Junebug

Hi guys,

My forehead hurts as I have been reading reading and more reading.

I have managed to learn how to create a project in MPLAB 8.0, select
the 18f1320, select the programmer Pickit 2 for the Junebug, etc

I added the lkr file 18f1320.lkr

Added the sirc rx.asm file to the project, saved the project and selected build all.

Here is the output:

Clean: Deleting intermediary and output files.
Clean: Deleted file "C:\my projects\sony ir.o".
Clean Warning: File "C:\my projects\C:\Documents and Settings\Darren\Desktop\sony ir.lst" doesn't exist.
Clean: Done.
Executing: "C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\MPAsmWin.exe" /q /p18F1320 "C:\Documents and Settings\Darren\Desktop\sony ir.asm" /l"sony ir.lst" /e"sony ir.err" /o"sony ir.o"
Warning[205] C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\DARREN\DESKTOP\SONY IR.ASM 1 : Found directive in column 1. (list)
Executing: "C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\MPLink.exe" "C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPASM Suite\LKR\18f1320.lkr" "C:\my projects\sony ir.o" /o"18f1320proj.cof" /M"" /W
MPLINK 4.14, Linker
Copyright (c) 2007 Microchip Technology Inc.
Error - section '.org_1' can not fit the absolute section. Section '.org_1' start=0x00000008, length=0x0000011e
Errors : 1

Link step failed.
BUILD FAILED: Thu Jan 31 22:56:49 2008

Probably something simple as my forehead pain is hurting too much.

Any suggestions, kicks.....................

Thanks Bill!!!
I will have to learn what is meant by relocatable code.

Now to learn how to run the debugger.
Programmed and how to test JUnebuy sirc ir.asm properly

I ran the program on the Junebug, got the LED1 and LED2 to illuminate when I fired a SIRC signal at it.

Am I correct in assuming iaw a debugger that I select debugger>select tool>MPLAB SIM

How do I read the contents of DEVICECODE & COMMANDCODE?
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On reset LED1 lights and on a valid code LED2 will light. Open a View/Watch window and add symbols CommandCode and DeviceCode.
Vaild 12bit codes will show there.

An enhancement to the program would be to send the codes out the EUSART and you could view them with the UART tool.


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