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Junebug users - fun little diag program for ya

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Active Member
Technological Arts always used to pre-program their Motorola boards with simple little test programs. That way, when you unpacked it and hooked it up it would be able to do something right away.

So I started writing one for the Junebug 18F1320. It's simple polled RS232 at present and doesn't test absolutely everything on the board yet, as I don't have some components installed yet. I expect to have my trimpots this week, and I think I have one of those IR sensors somewhere in a junkbox. When those parts are installed I'll finish the program, as well as make it more interrupt-driven (not that it really matters in this program, but it's a nicer way to do it).

**broken link removed**

Here's a pic of the RS232 hookup. That's a Techno Arts RS232 ComStamp doing the level shifting on the breadboard. Of course any level shifter will do. **broken link removed**. Sparkfun Electronics. Acroname.

The display to the right on the breadboard and all the parts to the left are not connected at present. They're just leftovers from a previous project.
junebug 002_wb_sm.jpg
Here it is with code slightly modified for display on a **broken link removed**
Oh ya! It runs at 9600 baud, 8N1 for now, so set up your terminal accordingly.
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Very nice work. :)
PICkit has a nifty terminal program, catch is you can't use it and the ICD at the same time.
**broken link removed**
Looks like someones having fun :)

Here's something you might like...

Convert ASCII to upper case (untested)
;* main - poll rs232 for menu commands and branch accordingly
loop    call    rs_recv            ;wait for a char
    andlw    b'00111111'        ; convert to upper case
    movwf    char            ;save the char for later
The 18F compare and skip command
cont07  movlw   "0"
    cpfseq   char            ;is it '0'?                   
    goto     cont08        ;no, continue
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blueroomelectronics said:
Looks like someones having fun :)
Oh ya.

Convert ASCII to upper case (untested)
;* main - poll rs232 for menu commands and branch accordingly
loop    call    rs_recv            ;wait for a char
    andlw    b'00111111'        ; convert to upper case
    movwf    char            ;save the char for later
Well duh! I should have thought of that. Just do it once. Most of that menu code is from a few years back when I did this on a 16f628. Time to clean it up.

The 18F compare and skip command
Good. Saves another line.
Well, here's a 2 page (8.5x11) PIC 18F' Instruction Set Summary 'pdf' file I created several years ago, if you're interested.

I found it handy to pin the sheets onto the cork board directly in front of my desk when I was starting out with the 18F' devices.

I also have a 1 page 11x17 version if you or anyone would like it...

Have fun, Mike


  • PIC 18F Instruction Summary (8x11).zip
    32.9 KB · Views: 332
Here's a Edit *NOT* working ASCII upper case converter from this site, might work for 16F chips
;* main - poll rs232 for menu commands and branch accordingly
loop    call    rs_recv        ; wait for a char
UpCase  addlw   255 - "z"     ; Get the High limit
       addlw   "z" - "a" + 1     ; Add Lower Limit to Set Carry
    btfss   STATUS, C      ; If Carry Set, then Lower Case
       addlw   h'20'           ; Carry NOT Set, Restore Character
      addlw   "A"        ; add 'A' to restore the Character
    movwf    char        ; save the char for later
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blueroomelectronics said:
Convert ASCII to upper case (untested)
;* main - poll rs232 for menu commands and branch accordingly
loop    call    rs_recv            ;wait for a char
    andlw    b'00111111'        ; convert to upper case
    movwf    char            ;save the char for later
Almost correct (you did say "untested"). You actually have to clear bit5 to capitalize, not bit6. :)

But that kills numbers, so you have to add another line to keep them intact, like this
loop	call	rs_recv			;wait for a char
	movwf	numr			;save as numeral
	andlw	b'01011111'		;convert to upper case
	movwf	char			;save as uppercase char
and then test letters against char and numbers against numr. Or you could do a test at the start and only clear bit 5 on letters.

**broken link removed**
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This appears to work
    movwf    char        ; save the char for later
    sublw   "a" -1          ;
    btfss   STATUS, C       ;
    bcf     char, 5            ; convert a-z to upper case
Interrupt receive version posted to same rar. This version runs at 57600 - 8/N/1. Just download from the same link as before. Both versions are in the rar. The file for this version is 'int_diag'.
Mike said:
Well, here's a 2 page (8.5x11) PIC 18F' Instruction Set Summary 'pdf' file I created several years ago, if you're interested.

I found it handy to pin the sheets onto the cork board directly in front of my desk when I was starting out with the 18F' devices.

I also have a 1 page 11x17 version if you or anyone would like it...

Have fun, Mike

Have one for the 16f series?
Mike said:
Well, here's a 2 page (8.5x11) PIC 18F' Instruction Set Summary 'pdf' file I created several years ago, if you're interested.

I found it handy to pin the sheets onto the cork board directly in front of my desk when I was starting out with the 18F' devices.

I also have a 1 page 11x17 version if you or anyone would like it...

Have fun, Mike

Have one for the 16f series?
Sure... It's a single 8.5 x 11 page just like in the Data Sheets... I think Bill (blueroom) came up with a pretty nice looking one too...


  • PIC 16F Instruction Summary.pdf
    27.1 KB · Views: 531
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