Junebug "VDD Level Error"

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Gayan Soyza

Active Member
My Junebug is not working with my personal home computer.It says "VDD level error check target & retry operation"

The thing is my junebug is working in my friends computer.

I measured some voltages in junebug.

U5V = 4.4V
VPP = 10.69V

I'm going to check my PC's power unit whether I can do something .......

Any ideas?
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Simple question.. are you testing it on the exact same target board? If so try powering the board from a external supply. (your pc may not be sending enough power) are you using many USB ports? (with higher power devices on it)

If you are doing that already... remove the external power and any parts such as regulators from the target. It may be faulting and causing a power issue.
Hi thanks for the replies.

Yes when powering external 5V its working nicely.But I need to make my junebug to work like self powering programmer I need to check the power unit in my computer.

When that error occurs I firstly did bypass both 2N7000 & BS250 mosfets.Its working but cannot program PICs with INTOSC & MCLR OFF
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