Just an introduction

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Hi. Im Paul. I am trying to complete a project which started in my head around 15 years ago. That project was to build a six legged robot. I have recently had a stroke and I now have bags of time on my hands so the project begins now.

I don't want to build a radio controlled car that walks. I did all that may years ago. I am looking to build something that can first off walk properly. I have seen loads of gaits (This one I though was great - just the walking not the wheels bit - YouTube - Roller Walker Robot in Tokyo Japan)

So, id be very interetsed in any gaits, code, ideas, or comments that you might all have. I should say that I have never coded anything like this before. It will be a real challange for me.

I am currently designing the metal work and some ideas for modular boards. These will include:

A module with LCD for menus such as walk, reverse, avoid, etc
A power supply module probably a load of regulators to control he boards and servos.
A servo control module (probably two) to control the legs and any other bits I add.
A module for avoidance. Im not sure how yet, Infra red, ultrasonic or the dream would be antenni like an ant feeling and touching.

I have built the Servo Control board mentioned in another thread here from HVLabs but I can't get it to work. Any help here would be much appreciated.

So, thats what im up to. I'll post some pics when I can get them off my camera.

Im sure i'll be needing a lot of help in the future ;-) but nothing ventured nothing gained.

few pics

A few pics of the progress.


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Just a little thing popped into my head when you talked about antenna feelers, I remember seeing these at solarbotics.com and thought I'd point them out to you:
**broken link removed**
Hi I am Kevin, i have recently joined this community, i am not a student or an engineer i m just here as it my hobby for robotics
Thanks for that. Looks interesting. Ideally I want the antenna to move left to right and up and down. Just like an ant ;-). I'll come up with some servo design when the time gets near.
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