Just an off-track question...

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Super Moderator
Good day!
I have a rather off-track question that I have been curious about ever since I joined this forum: How is a member's expertise determined (i.e. the green bars directly below the user's name)? Is it all based on reputation points? Or is there more involved?
Der Strom
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I believe it's a combination of the number of posts and the reputation you've collected. It's a pretty pointless metric.

As SC says its 'positive reps' for Green & a -reps gets you a red box.

You may have noticed there are many members with 11 green boxes, but no one has more than 11 green boxes, the update feature seems to have stopped working months ago.

So at the moment it pointless, [ thats a pun! ]

Hahaha Thanks guys for the answers It was just something I've been wondering about for a long time
Der Storm
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