Just getting Started, please advise A.K.A. I need Help

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New Member
Hello everyone,
I’m new here, I’m actually interested in robotics programming (mostly software side I mean) as I’m currently undertaking a course that leads to Degree in Software Engineering and thinking of doing my final year project about robotics programming, so since I know almost nothing about robotics and most probably confused about some terms and how they can be related to each other (such as expert systems, AI and how this can be related to robotics) I need some guidance in that particular category, can you recommend a web site or a book to start with? And please don’t point me at Google coz I've already tired that.

Thank you in advance

Leper Messiah
tell us then what are you looking for. a robot that you only have to program? or a step by step instruction on how to make one?
what i'm looking for is the technology of programming robots, what programming languages and how to implement it in a robot, so i want a beginner guide not on how to build a robot but on robots programming generally (concepts and practically a HOW TO)
there is no common language to program robots. robots are costum things so every robot is different. i suugest looking for a book called "robots for dummys" (or something like this if it even exists). and also search google again for robots. look at what other people have made etc. then make yourself a small one and program it to follow a line/light/sound/yourself.
Leper_Messiah said:
what i'm looking for is the technology of programming robots
You might want to check the dictionary. A robot can be really simple to build.

what programming languages and how to implement it in a robot,
The only thing a robot "understands" is two states, on and off (power, and no power). No matter what robot you build, it applies to every one.

so i want a beginner guide not on how to build a robot but on robots programming generally (concepts and practically a HOW TO)

It depends on how complex you want your robot to be.

Can you tell me what you intend to have the robot for, because I can't get into the programming with these basic questions that you ask.
The only thing mstechca "understands" is his own blather. That's a good thing though, because no one else does.

For beginners, the BASIC stamp is a great way to get into robotics. It uses a variation of the BASIC language, and is very easy and intuitive to learn. There are many websites ( www.parallax.com or www.rentron.com) that have tutorials and ideas for beginners. After that, you can move up to PIC microcontrollers. Nigel Goodwin has great tutorials for their use, or you can use a BASIC compiler to program them.
hyedenny said:
The only thing mstechca "understands" is his own blather. That's a good thing though, because no one else does.
Excuse me, but I would APPRECIATE IT if you don't talk about me like that!

For beginners, the BASIC stamp is a great way to get into robotics. It uses a variation of the BASIC language, and is very easy and intuitive to learn.

Isn't the basic stamp special hardware embedded into the microcontroller that accepts basic commands?

Also, I ask for more information from Leper, because there are some microcontrollers that are better than others, and there may be one that is the best suited for his application.
Isn't the basic stamp special hardware embedded into the microcontroller that accepts basic commands?


Dearest Mike,
I (we?) would appreciate it if you wouldnt talk AT ALL! Besides, I wasnt talking, I was typing.
OK, Im sorry- I'll be nice from now on... Besides, I really DO enjoy reading your, uh, stuff.
wow wow guys take it easy, we all here to help eachother not to fight lol

as I said earlier i'm still looking for the idea for my final year graduation project, which i would like to do about robotics since you said it's not that complicated to build a robot, and programming it is simple depends on robot's capabilities.

I will take your advice and get a hand on building robots by getting a simple kit and give it a try, any recommendations?
Leper_Messiah said:
I will take your advice and get a hand on building robots by getting a simple kit and give it a try, any recommendations?

Hiya Leper :shock: (what a name)
Anyway as you don't have your location filled in we don't know where you are in the world but here's a link to a robotics online store **broken link removed** . I'm sure you'll find some good pickings there. Now above other people have stated robotics is 1 big area and maybe you should get the pen and paper out and write down just what you want to achieve and do it in steps. There's no use learning to program a robot when you don't have a robot to start with :wink:

Cheers Bryan
Hi bryan1,
thanks for your advice, i'm located in Malaysia if that would help and yes I agree no point of learning or reading how robots works if I dont have one, all i wanna learn is robots basics so later i can combine this knowledge with what i already know in order to bring the idea i have (i have few) to light.
well the basic principles are for robots (at leeast the ones that move not arms) :
*robot has to have motors; what kind of motors, that depends on the task and need. you can use all motors on robots: DC, Stepper, Servo, Nitro, V8
* robot has to have a brain; you can use a simple microcontroller or a computer on board. f not much processing power is needed then i would suggest uControllers, but if you are going to do some image processing on your bot then a computer of somekind is a must.
* robot has to have sensors; you can use primitive tutch sensors that activate when robot bumos into something or you can use something that sees he is going to bump and turns away before it really happens. for distant ones you need IR sensors/sonar(ultrasonic)/camera sight. IR is the easyest, Sonar is the coolest, camera is the hardest and most expencive, but works if configured right the best.
* robot must have something to debug it with. will it be a connection to computer or LCD this is your own choice. LCD is better cause it's mobile but PC has more power so more things can be looked through faster.

as for programming, there is no common way to go. you can use easy and slow basic or poerful C or Assembler. it also depends on what "brain" your bot has. when there is a PC running on it then it is like programming a PC but when there is something more primitive then it is wery different that you may have been used to. no GUI or anything .
That was very useful dude thanks a lot, I’ve been looking around and found that i need a starter kit for beginners, any recommendations? I will try to build a simple robot that can move and navigate around, nothing much though just to get my hands on, then later ill try to play around with the microprocessor and its instructions
when you have any expeariance with mecanics then build the bot yourself. just take a sheet of plywoor, screw 2or 4 servos to it. buy a wery-wery inexpancive microcontroller called PICAXE. connect them. add a few sensors and you have a very nice bot. if you are advanced a bit more, change the sensors to something more advanced and change picaxe to a normal pic (picaxe is a preprogrammer PIC).

a few links:

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