just some ideas

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Just thought I would type out some of my thoughts to "****-chat" about.I haven't posted in a while.I sort of gave up on my idea that was keeping me breadboarding and ordering parts and such ,so I don't have anythinbg to build.I never really got anyones opinion .Is it a good idea ?bad idea?would you try it yourself?Why or why not?Here is the idea.
I have been thinking lately about cellphones.I just got a new Kyocera.It doesn't have a data cable plug so I don't even know how it is programmed.Probably has some code to type in and set the number and stuff.I would LOVE to get the source code to one of these things.Just imagine.In the movie independance day the character uses a cellphone and laptop to track down his ex-wife.Police do the same thing.In the movie hackers III the guy gets a code to turn his phone into a scanner.It would be awesome to get the sourcecode to the operating system of a recent cellphone .It might even be profitable.
Another thing I was working on is a rotary woofer.They look simple enough .I started to make one myself but I'm still working on it.I took apart an old 6" fan,the type with the round plastic shroud and a squirrel cage motor and 3 speeds.Then I took apart a 4" speaker with a 6ohm voice coil.I drilled the magnet and put it on the fan shaft.The hard part is the fan hub.It will require a lot of custom fabrication.I was planning on reusing the voice coil to tilt the fan blades .The only way anyone I know will get one of these speakers is build it ,because last I heard they where selling for $25,000 .Anyway ,if your interested we can discuss any of our thoughts on these subjects.Don't be shy I 'm very bored.
By rotating speaker do you mean a Leslie that employs the Doppler Shift effect? The true Leslie does not have a woofer that spins. Instead, a baffle spins infront of the woofer. The horn array does rotate though. They use a set of multiple slip-ring contacts to provide the audio connections to the horns. Leslie speakers are certainly not $25,000 but they are pricey.
I saw that somewhere else before. Definately interesting, would like to "hear" one.
those prices are nuts! They are selling their engineering/R&D costs and not so much a product. If you ever heard a pair of Klipsch corner reflectors at work, you'd find yourself spending many hundreds less for an equally impressive speaker.
These things are for the fantasy world that audio-phools live in.. Add some gold plated cables & they'll pay twice that price. Good luck hearing 1Hz.
Actually many experiments involving infrasound have been performend on people and they hear nothing but they felt the effects. Some frequencies can cause pain and discomfort, while others have even proven to be dangerious. There are many naturally occuring sources of high powered infrasound, like tornadoes and volcanic eruptions. If people can hear infrasound then why didn't they hear the tsunami commining in south east Asia?


If people can hear any sound from this wooffer when run at 1Hz then it's the harmonics generated by it.
Maybe the listener is supposed to ride on that fan-dangled speaker since the resonance of human sexual response is somewhere around 5Hz. I remember reading about such nonsense along that line. LMAO, a $25,000 Jolly Generator!
Sexual response?Who can't use some of that?Let's say I get one working,It would be a steal at $5000 since the regular price is $25000.I'll throw in some gold plated connector for free.

And about those cellphones.I found out mine runs BREW and it can be programmed in c/c++ with some limitations.You probably won't make a cellphone scanner but maybe a cellphone answering machine or a voice disguiser program .I can think of several internet programs that might be adapted for a cellphone.Too bad no hardware attachment ports on my phone.
Here is a link to more info for anyone into c/c++ .
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It was quite awhile back when I read of it but it was a funny article but reported to be true scientific research. The goal was to enhance sexual climax by adding the resonant freq. of climax. Somehow I'd think the two freqs. would cancel each other and both partners would be pissed off.... versus getting off! What a silly topic!
No the climax frequency generator is real. Uh ,I better stop there ,the moderators probably draw the line somewhere.
Have you ever heard of the brown note?It's supposed to be a frequency that makes people crap their pants.That why I need to make one of these mobile so I can visit Mcdonalds during their busiest hours hours and ruin peoples lunch.


The link you listed show it to be a myth not real.
Regardless of the MythBusters, both the US Gov. and Cold War Soviets have tested every diabolical idea under the sun given their vast economic resources. I'm sure at one point Russia successfully had the residents of some obscure Siberian village crapping their drawers involuntarily while the U.S. had hillbillies in a one-horse town deep in the mountains of Tennessee puking and fainting.... and all from beaming high level, sub-audible freqs.
Someone years ago told me it was 3Hz and he made motor driven sub-woofers for a living. Claimed it was real.

I have one of his woofers in my car, but not going to try it
R U saying that it takes 3Hz to cause someone to crap their drawers? All that effort and instead they could be enticed into a free lunch of refried beans laced with a laxative!
I was quoting a sub-woofer building audio nut. Again, never tried it. I guess if church or a meeting went to long, you can get it sped up with that device tuning on and off.

Didnt Tesla accomplish this with a moving platform instead of sound? I read his autobiography a few years ago and I seem to recall something about this.
Tesla is the king of resonance, so if anyone did accomplish it, it would have been him.
I could have made 3 posts out of this.

We had a good discussion on the speaker but my most important question was the first.please read the post I refered to and give me your opinion.An honest "it sucks " would even be appreciated.Although I would prefer an explanation.
Seems like it would be fun to experiment around with while learning something in the process, even if you don't accomplish favorable results. However I do have one small problem with that one in the photo below. For $21,000 to $26,000 the silly thing should show far better carpentry skills to it than simple butt joints to the cabinetry!!! At the very least it should have tightly mitered corners and specially cut and arranged panels whereby the grain meets seamlessly as well. I've built better looking birdhouses, no lie! And it looks like pine or spruce was used which is the bottom of the barrel in both strength and beauty. It should've been constructed from olive wood, Cocobolo, or some other exotic hardwood. People are driving around new cars and trucks for that amount of money!!

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Ok, I am with HiTech on this one.

You can see the wood grain through the paint. My dumb projects (that I bother to put in a box), they looked better than that one.

They are selling a spruce box for how much? Have they heard of metal? Or sanding, or Bondo.
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