Just testing, Turn your Junebug into a PICKit2 Serial Analyzer *with a second 18F2550

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Well-Known Member
I was just tinkering with one of my Junebug kits and thought I'd load the Microchip PICkit2 Serial Analyzer firmware onto a spare 18F2550 and swap the chip for the programmer chip.

Seems OK so far, I'll test the I2C master mode tomorrow and update this thread.

The I2C pins (not available externally on a genuine PICkit2) are available from the 16 pin expansion connector along the top of the Junebug.
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  • PKS-0304-02-WITHBOOT-0103.zip
    17 KB · Views: 147
Well the I2C Master mode works, you need a pair of 4.7K pullups on CON3 (RB1 = SCL, RB0 = SDA) and you're good to go. Talking to a PCF8575 with this.
i just noticed my junebug top header is damaged so i will perform emergency operation later on today and replace it with a new female header.
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