K8055 USB I/O programming

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Hi i have made my self a waste oil burner from:
-pressured air
-oil pump
-oil heater (for start up)
-oil heating pipe circuit
-big fan
-combustion pipe

pretty simple but i need to keep adjusting:
-the height of the flame in the combustion pipe
-oil flow in the oil heating pipe circuit to keep the oil to get to hot
-air pressure

all this need to be perfectly adjusted to have the cleanest burn.
it is easy to make it by hand, i can breath the smoke and it feels like clean air.
but when the quality of the oil changes I have to adjust again
and the same with the temperature on the oil.

so my questions is:

is it possible to use this **broken link removed** card to do folloving things:

analog in 0-5v
1-oil temp (check every 20 sec if more often i think it would adjust too mutch)
2-exhaust temp (check every 20 sec if more often i think it would adjust too mutch)

digital out 1/0
1-when oil temp have for example 1-2 v give a 1 or 2 sec signal to a servo motor to adjust oil flow through the oil heating pipe circuit
2-when oil temp have for example 4-5 v give a 1 or 2 sec signal to a servo motor to adjust oil flow through the oil heating pipe circuit.

this way the oil temp should be stable on 3 v

3-when exhaust temp have for example 1-2 v give a 1 or 2 sec signal to a servo motor to adjust air pressure
4-when exhaust temp have for example 4-5 v give a 1 or 2 sec signal to a servo motor to adjust air pressure

this way the exhaust temp should be stable on 3 v.

-5 here i need a start circuit it means that i need a signal max 30 sec to drive the
-oil pump
-oil heater (for start up)
-air pressure electro magnetic valve

all other tings needs to be disabled when its starting up

-6 when i hit the off button i need the air pressure nozzle to go to top position
and i need
-oil pump
to run after shutdown about 2 min to cool down

-7 air pressure electro magnetic valve

OK this was the digital 1/0 outputs required.

digital 1/0 inputs
-1 oil pressure switch, when this get the message no oil pressure i need it to go to shutdown mode.
-2 stop burning message, if that happen i need it to go to shutdown mode
-3 normal mode everything is working and it is burning. stop the start circuit
-4 air pressure nozzle top position stop ch 6 witch is moving the nozzle on shutdown

I think this is all on the K8055 USB I/O
i have 3 light switches to make the burning flame adjustments and 1 light switch if it stops burning link to light switches:
**broken link removed**

i am new to programming so i have not ordered anything of what i need yet. i need to know if this is possible.
and i also need a voluntary to make the program because i think it is to much for me to handle.

i am only a car mechanic who knows some electronics

i hope someone will help me
It is a complex way to solve your problem. You need a PC, interface card and program running at all times. PC's are not noted for their long term stability. There would be serious safety issues as well, if something started to go wrong e.g. smoke, fire, carbon monoxide, etc. Those issues give me pause. sorry. Perhaps someone else is more adventurous.
No PC. Too unstable. Check out the MOACON here: Comfile Technology Inc. It's programmable in C. You can also take a look at products made by: Low Cost Super Programmable Controllers with Ladder + BASIC programming and PLC's (Programmable Logic Controllers) made by The best way to buy industrial controls--low prices, fast shipping and superior service.

Sensors were not discussed either. You don't generally have the option to choose the operating point. Sensors are picked for a range and usually fixed ranges are available.

A servo motor may not be what you want. An AC synchonous motor stops nearly instantaneously and they are used for dampers in the home. You also need to determine what failsafe to employ: spring to open, spring to close, power to open/close. Travel limit switches also need to be included as well.

I did a project one and I needed one extra port. Easily adding it wasn't possible.
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hi perjan,
I have recently modified a K8055 pcb to use a 18F2550 with Oshonsoft USB.
If you want to me to post the modifications for the PCB just ask.

With regard to the USB programming you could use a generic HID USB ocx/oca or the Oshonsoft HID USB package, which you have to buy.

The PC's GUI use interface is written in Visual Basic 5.

hi i dont know what you are talking about.
do this mean that the K8055 without a pc connected??
hi i dont know what you are talking about.
do this mean that the K8055 without a pc connected??

No, it has the USB cable from the PC to the K8055 as usual, but the xtal is upgraded to 20MHz and the PIC is a 18F2550.

i'm sorry i do not find any price on the plc's
i think if i use 2 micro switches on Travel limit and take the reley 86/85 power trough the switches

but i have been thinking true and made a wiring diagram. i got the safety i need all this is inside a old wood stove. i have a safety if it stops burning all shut down by removing the power from everything and the same happen if the oil pressure sw is trigged

i think it is ok with a servo motor if the signals to move is short enough like i described
do anyone think it is possible to write a program to do all this?

If you are not familiar with PIC programming I think you will find writing that fairly complex program a major task.

If you get a volunteer to help, it would be advisable to get someone who lives locally to you, as I expect he will have the necessary programmers and test equipment, he/she will also need to know all the hardware specifications of the sensors etc that you plan to use.

i understand but everything is simple the light sw is only a relay with nc and no, for the temp part i have planed to use a tempsensor for a car engine feed it vith 5v and read the volt on the oter connector on the sensor and modify the dll program file to the voltage/temp i wanted

so it is only 2 analog inputs
the rest is only 0 - 1 inputs

i think i can modify the last changes if i have the complete programfile
The problem that always comes up is time, money, skills and number of products and whether devlopment kits are required. If this were a plant, it would be likely that it had standardized to a couple of big PLC's and maybe even IDEC smart relays. One thing that's always limited is expansion or ease of expansion.
You could check out the idec smart relay. You can download the programming system for free and simulate inputs.

You have a couple of outputs too, if I remember.

BASIC should not be too hard. PLC ladder logic is not two difficult either. The programming language C is going to me moderately difficult. I doubt you would want to make your own PC boards.

What generally sets the PLC and the PC apart is what's called a Watch Dog Timer. It guarantees a certain action if the program should misbehave and hang.
The PLC has lots of I/O.

The used to be industry standard was 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA for inputs and the same for outputs. These avoid ground loop nasties.
The industry standard for interfacing is what's called I/O modules, These can detect the presence of AC, DC and isolate them from the PLC. They can also have solid state or low current relay outputs.

Lastly comes signal conditioning modules which can perform analog isolation, thermocouple linearization, an RTD bridge, potentiometer input/output etc.

The standard "erector set" of control panels is DIN rail and "DIN terminals". The standard industrial power supply is 24 VDC.

All of this flexibility costs money.

In the end, you can slap a small processor on a custom designed PC board and have it cost a lot less money at high volumes or zero cost for your time.

This revised specification is much simplifier than the one originally posted.

Are you asking for someone to write the full program.?
Are the sensors appropriate for the temperature range and what your measuring?

i was thinking to use a temp sensor from a engine control to a car engine because the engine control measures the temperatures in the same way that the usb card will do.
i'm not sure about how the volts are in the different temperatures but i was thinking to modify the program after i have measured the volt when i have the temp i vanted
Usually even car sensors use a 5 volt reference. Car temperature sensors are usually of the thermister variety. References rather than power supplies are used because you don't wan the sensor output to be affected by the power supply regulation.
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