Ken M: The Ultimate Troll

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All your links this past couple of days end with an "Access denied" error.


All your links this past couple of days end with an "Access denied" error.



If you Google "Imgur" can you access their site?

Google should show the screenshot below:

Anyway, captured the Images for you. Pity you cannot read the Imgur comments though:

And so on. I am not going to upload more cause this is a PITA.

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This link works fine for me, as have the others. I don't see the purpose. Obviously a troll, but perhaps not the ultimate compared to the one had (?) here and all know. K. M. has yet to show the resiliency that B. M. has shown.

K.M. is egocentric and may search on his name, find it here, and then plague us. Maybe we shouldn't leave this bait out for him to find?

Mods delete at will. I found it funny on Imgur. Maybe not here though.

Access could be limited in Scotland, JimB. I've been able to access all of the links.

I found this post very amusing, to be honest. If Ken M shows up here, we'll know how to deal with him. I don't think this post needs to be deleted, personally.

Hi John

Ken M meddling here on an Electronics Forum would be the funniest thing ever...we should invite him and see how long he lasts
Before he gets busted.


PS: I still love you.
Is he a a bad troll or good comic? I dont know but I laughed enough to not care about the answer.
Hi Steve

Some say good Trolling is an art. A Science if you like..

Like he draws people in with silly answers..and then outfoxes them at the end . Good to see your input here. We all have to laugh sometimes

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