Hello all
I have a timer board from a Kenmore range model 970-687632. On the timer board, R1 is burnt beyond recognition. The board number is 3164627 Revision G.
Anyone familiar with this repair or have access to schematics? It is a common problem apparently. Just looking for the value of the resistor, R1. This site lists similar issues. Perhaps the burn due to a power surge?
I have a timer board from a Kenmore range model 970-687632. On the timer board, R1 is burnt beyond recognition. The board number is 3164627 Revision G.
Anyone familiar with this repair or have access to schematics? It is a common problem apparently. Just looking for the value of the resistor, R1. This site lists similar issues. Perhaps the burn due to a power surge?

Appliance Timer and Stove Clock Repair and Replacement - Ranges, Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers
ApplianceTimers reconditions mechanical timers and electronic timers, repairs, and sells rebuilt timers, stove clocks, appliance timers for your range, washer, dryer and dishwasher.