Keyboard (ps\2) output format and pin configuration

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I need to send parallel data to one of my circuits from a keyboard.So i need all details abt the pin configuration and output type of a ps\2 keyboard
Trying to postcount++ there, huh santosh?

Anyway, I had an idea for a similar project involving PS/2. Basically, I'm trying to create a type of "Y" connector for a keyboard port so that two keyboards may be connected to the same DIN input at once. The Chapweske seems to suggest this is possible because of the open-collector interface, but I'm also concerned about the data collisions. Are there any existing projects that have sucessfully used this approach? Is there any way around the collision problem?
Exo said:

Would anyone have the accompanying PIC ASM source code for the above article, which is now located at this URL? :

**broken link removed**

There's a mention in the article that reads like this :

Click here for keyboard/mouse routines. Source in MPASM for PIC microcontrollers.

However, there's no active link anywhere in the document. Anyone has it by any chance? Has it ever even existed?
Need help


My name is Arin and I am from Romania
I need to make some aditional paralel comands for Microsoft Train Simulator. I want to make a paralel board with some comand for the train simulator to not use a keyboard for drive the train. For that I need a electronic schematics for a TDK keyboard. I want to put aditional wires from tastature to my personal board comand but I don't have the internal schematic of the keyboard. So pls. can anybody to help me?

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