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I loose my keys a lot and right now my bike is pretty much hot wired and it turns on by 3 switches.
i have 6 different wires when i press the all the switches to on
it connects
switch 1 RED wire to ORANGE wire
switch 2 Green wire to Brown wire
swtich 3 Orange with red tracer wire to Black with white tracer wire.
once these are to on position bike is turned on
Is there a way to turn it on in a better way , i was gonna get a replacement key but i can't right now because i am about to move to a different country soon.
i was thinking something like a "thumb scan device" programmed to recognize my thumb print only. so when i place my thumb on the small scanner . the scanner send the signal to the microcontroller and then 3 switches or 6 wires to turn the bike ignition to ON.
If someone else tries to turn the bike on with there thumb it shouldn't send that signal to turn the ignition on.
i can have the "tumb scanner" operate of a 1.5Vbattery or even bikes battery it self...
Also would have a ON/OFF switch for the scanner so the scanner is turned off and the device is not draining the battery while its parked over night or for a long time.
I don't know if this is possible just an idea to make my life better.
If you have any suggestions on how to do this please let me know
I could also use other types of scanners or sensors then a Thumb scanner.. like Barcode scanner or iris scanner or like hmm face recoginition or anything something to trigger the microcontroller so it would turn the ignition on for me without a key
Or i could use a key pad from my old cell or even a calculator witha 4 digit code rather then a scanner....
any input?


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There's a PIC based keycode system in my PIC tutorials, which you could easily use to do the job. The biggest problem is probably making it all waterproof and bike safe - although you can buy waterproof keypads.
Nigel Goodwin said:
There's a PIC based keycode system in my PIC tutorials, which you could easily use to do the job. The biggest problem is probably making it all waterproof and bike safe - although you can buy waterproof keypads.
i can make everthing water proof thats not a problem...
Nigel Goodwin said:
There's a PIC based keycode system in my PIC tutorials, which you could easily use to do the job. The biggest problem is probably making it all waterproof and bike safe - although you can buy waterproof keypads.
i can make everthing water proof thats not a problem... but is this possible my a thumb scanner? thats my frist choice then the keypad
Maxer said:
Nigel Goodwin said:
There's a PIC based keycode system in my PIC tutorials, which you could easily use to do the job. The biggest problem is probably making it all waterproof and bike safe - although you can buy waterproof keypads.
i can make everthing water proof thats not a problem... but is this possible my a thumb scanner? thats my frist choice then the keypad

If you can arrange a thumb scanner it's obviously possible, presumably such a scanner would provide a logic output?, either YES or NO, a micro-controller or even simple logic chips could then deal with that.

But you first need to find somewhere to buy a suitable thumb scanner, I don't know if the computing power required is available in a small unit as you would require on a motorbike?.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Maxer said:
Nigel Goodwin said:
There's a PIC based keycode system in my PIC tutorials, which you could easily use to do the job. The biggest problem is probably making it all waterproof and bike safe - although you can buy waterproof keypads.
i can make everthing water proof thats not a problem... but is this possible my a thumb scanner? thats my frist choice then the keypad

If you can arrange a thumb scanner it's obviously possible, presumably such a scanner would provide a logic output?, either YES or NO, a micro-controller or even simple logic chips could then deal with that.

But you first need to find somewhere to buy a suitable thumb scanner, I don't know if the computing power required is available in a small unit as you would require on a motorbike?.
i found several thumb scanners cost about 50USD but i wouldn't know how to wire it up with the micro controller and how to program the controller. i am still learning more about controllers...
but if the task requires lots of experties i am willing to have the work done for me by some one who is good at this or i will just try for a keypad or something less confusing.
I found a fingerprint scanner :) **broken link removed**
you use your finger print rather then passwords on computers, if i was to use this scanner, first would it work? second if i wanted to add at least 5 finger prints is that possible to save in the microcontrollers memory? How would this device be powered? any help is appreciated...
OR if some one wants to guide me exactly how to do it that be awwsome. but i am learning more stuff each day about these things.
Maxer said:
you use your finger print rather then passwords on computers, if i was to use this scanner, first would it work? second if i wanted to add at least 5 finger prints is that possible to save in the microcontrollers memory? How would this device be powered? any help is appreciated...

I suspect all the intelligence for that USB powered device is done in the PC, the limited amount of memory in a microcontroller wouldn't be anywhere near enough.
Nigel Goodwin said:
Maxer said:
you use your finger print rather then passwords on computers, if i was to use this scanner, first would it work? second if i wanted to add at least 5 finger prints is that possible to save in the microcontrollers memory? How would this device be powered? any help is appreciated...

I suspect all the intelligence for that USB powered device is done in the PC, the limited amount of memory in a microcontroller wouldn't be anywhere near enough.
YOur right, i found much easier way to do this project..... whats your opinion on this :)
**broken link removed**
i could have this voice recognization IC and turn the ignition on and off with voice commands.. IC has setting for recognitions for arm length, wisper or far distances.. i would pick arm length..
what do you think? is it worth me purchasing and tring? should i try the ROBOT chat for this since its a ROBOT component..
Maxer said:
YOur right, i found much easier way to do this project..... whats your opinion on this :)
**broken link removed**
i could have this voice recognization IC and turn the ignition on and off with voice commands.. IC has setting for recognitions for arm length, wisper or far distances.. i would pick arm length..
what do you think? is it worth me purchasing and tring? should i try the ROBOT chat for this since its a ROBOT component..

Most people, including myself, read all the posts anyway, so I don't see any reason to start a new thread.

Personally I don't think that sounds a good idea, I don't think it would be reliable enough - nothing worse than your bike not listening to you :lol:
Nigel Goodwin said:
Maxer said:
YOur right, i found much easier way to do this project..... whats your opinion on this :)
**broken link removed**
i could have this voice recognization IC and turn the ignition on and off with voice commands.. IC has setting for recognitions for arm length, wisper or far distances.. i would pick arm length..
what do you think? is it worth me purchasing and tring? should i try the ROBOT chat for this since its a ROBOT component..

Most people, including myself, read all the posts anyway, so I don't see any reason to start a new thread.

Personally I don't think that sounds a good idea, I don't think it would be reliable enough - nothing worse than your bike not listening to you :lol:
yea that would suck, i was thinking what if i need to take it to a shop.... or if it doesn't start up in the middle or somewhere and i will eventually have to pull the wires and make direct connections until i can get home and fix the damn thing....
what i realy want is something beside a key that only i have to start the bike. I loose my key way to many times, even a barcode scanner would work haha.. i just hate carring keys even my room key is a card.. Infact i lost the key i have 3 switches to start the ignition right now. since i am not familir with microcontrollers it be best if i can use just a simple IC. if you think about it, all it is 6 wires connecting in to 3 wires nothing big just need to do it so only i can do it.....
if you think of anything let me know... since all my ideas not been workingout
thank you
Be careful with the speech recognition idea. There is a big difference between SPEECH recognition and VOICE recognition. If your choice speech recog then anyone (being male i presume) speaking the same language may be able to start your bike.

Voice recognition is harder to crack. Everyone has their own voice pattern. Kinda like a fingerprint.

I have speech recognition programs running at home using VB6 and male friends can get the PC to respond.

Just my two cents.
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