keypad & LCD

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New Member
does anyone know where i can get a pic basic pro sample to display a key being press then display on the lcd. i'm using pic 18F452 chip to do the job.

thanks a bunch
you hardly need a 18f452 to do that, even the obselete 16f84 can do that and there is plenty of code for that on the web. I would suggest a 16f628 since the code is almost identical to the 84 so you could use most of the samples you find with just a little work.
follow this

you can follow this flow gave me such a hardtime to finish a project just like yours. so giving you this chart to helps a well and good luck..


  • scanning_keypad_chart.jpg
    23.8 KB · Views: 825

thanks..for the flow help a lot. if i were to output the key pressed on to the lcd. Can i just set a temp file to stored the key file and lcdout?

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