Great project. There are a lot of different ways to approach this and, as you refine what you want to do, you can search out all of the examples that have been done before and that is probably a good way to start to refine the project specifications.
At this point, I don’t think that you have a design – do you? You do seem to have a good idea of the components that you want to use. Those seem reasonable to me, but again, there are different approaches.
Take a look at this example, which uses an inexpensive Arduino and **broken link removed**. Even though you don’t want to design that particular board, it basically shows all of the components and the code for the functionality you do want. Some will be definite considerations for your project (like the DFPlayer) and some less so (like the custom manufactured case).
You are a software developer with specialties in Analog IC Design, FPGA Design – maybe you have the skills to avoid the controllers in the example and come up with a cheaper way? Do you want one for your Uncle or 30-50 for the entire nursing home? That might also have some bearing on how you approach the project. Do you have a budget?