Kickstarter...anyone heard of or backed it?

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kickstarter and crowdfunder are two commonly used funders. You need to be careful, because some will play on man's credulity.

kickstarter and crowdfunder are two commonly used funders. You need to be careful, because some will play on man's credulity.

Hi Joe

Many backers fail and loose money on Crowd funded campaigns. Pono is an exception to the rule though.
Wanted a little and made much, much more than they ever expected

And have delivered. And it's being run like a proper business

All the best,
Stay away from the Soap Router project on Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. It's a scam.

I know you are BlueBill over there @ EEV

Now there is a place. Dave knows his stuff. Members know their stuff. Not a hobbyist environment like ETO has always been.
Some seriously clued up Members there....

Love visiting and watching the teardowns...and all.

My problem is though that Dave always compliments Colin Mitchell for teaching him Electronics way back...and as we all know our resident EE Eric exposed Colin for not being a EE way qualifications for Colin. Apparently faked.

Video's here:

So, that is that. I am a lost soul in a mad World....

Whom do I believe?

Eric or Colin?
Balance. That's the thing. Cant get it right

This place is just so much time spent here and so much water under the bridge.

Addictive because I am hooked. I need my daily dose. I was here when things went down and dirty around 2 Years ago. In the middle of it. Lot's of stuff happened. Fought a War and survived. Barely.

Why should I bail out now??

I decided today I am here to stay. Probably better behaved than before....but still here. Facebook and all. I can deal with this.

ETO Members and Moderation have made me a better person. It's been a while...but I am getting there

I needed training.....

My Song:
That's me, I recently joined EEV while reading reviews of the Rigol DS1054z.

I put myself in exile from ETO as I risked being banned .

Hi Bill

I don't speak of my life is ETO...but I visit other Forums to lurk....even though I am registered and all with them...
Don't post though. I think I have like six posts accredited to me at EEV. Was never shot down but there are some very serious people there...

What happened with the exile

I was hoping the posters that put my OCD into overdrive had left... lost me now..

What actually happened or am I just thick

Before you answer...I have been on a mission the last few weeks..UPS and Deep Cycle Batteries and stuff...........
I thought I knew it all...turns out I have lot's to learn still

Your turn now

Lets hear it,
Way too late now. I have to be up in 3Hrs from now...and I have not eaten yet. Or slept.

See you next time,

"Many" is not so well defined. I would HARDLY call a successful campaign an "exception". I would say a few - but certainly not the majority.

I have backed 9 projects so far (eight in technology/electronics) and eight of them have delivered with everything expected. I have had not a single complaint for any of the projects. The ninth one is still "at large", and is a very complex project that the makers expected to take a long time.

You can go onto Kickstarter and see exactly who has been a backer - it's not a secret. Before you believe somebody's opinion, see how many projects they have backed. On here I am "Rich D", on Kickstarter I am "Rich DeAngelis", I have nothing to hide.

In the interest of full disclosure I am currently running my 2nd Kickstarter, but the fact still remains that I have six electronic items, one book and one music CD that were successfully and honestly delivered.

I would have to recommend that you stay away from anything that sounds "too good to be true." I have seen the equivalent of perpetual-motion designs on there - but typically they have zero backers - most backers are too smart to be fooled by such things.
Yea right. Some guy in his basement or garage "discovers" something that was missed by all the big-dollar companies like Duracell, Ray-o-Vac, Eveready, and a host of other companies such as Mitsubishi, Panasonic, and Honda, Toyota and all the Hybrid car manufacturers missed about batteries.

You can be pretty sure that if they invent/develop/discover or actually go ahead to manufacture a new capacitor with the power density of a battery, they wouldn't overlook the chance to make millions or billions in sales.

It's sad that enough people believed in that. It also makes it harder for the rest of us.
Hi Rich

Genuine guys like you get a bad rep because of the chancers out there
Its almost like some of the people that try Crowd funding dream the stuff up. Unreal.

Like Solar Roadways...yet another one. I am sure you have heard about it.

Keep it up with your honesty and realistic projects that you can deliver with .

Good man,
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