Kit149 Bc

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Hi, I got a kit 149 and It is very difficult to find resources for support. The problem I have with mine is that it doesn't recognize the PIC. The green light does turn on when it is attempting to read the chip, but it fails to read anything. I have tried changing the USB ports and I still can't make any progress. Has anyone else had problems with kit 149 programmers? I've used a JDM in the past with no problems, but now I only have a laptop. Thanks for any advice...
jeremygaughan said:
Hi, I got a kit 149 and It is very difficult to find resources for support... Thanks for any advice...
I have a K150 and I have some excellent advice for you. Dump that thing and buy yourself an Inchworm+. The Inchworm+ is a far better and much, much faster programmer. And it's supported by Microchip (works in MPLab), as it's an ICD2 clone, so you can always program the latest chips without having to beg someone to make your K149 work.

I bought my K150 back when it was still being well supported. All that has changed now though. Support for the K programmers is pretty pathetic now. Your best bet for some help is to go to **broken link removed** and complain a bit.

You can buy an Inchworm+ kit at DipMicro Electronics

Soon you'll also be able to buy them at Creatron Parts as well.
Appears so....

I think I'm going to have to agree. Really what I was trying to do with this thing was build a pickit 2, I'm sure you understand the chicken and the egg problem. I borrowed this programmer from someone to get the firmware burned. But, I guess it isn't happening today. If I weren't living in South America this year I would buy a kit from Blueroom, but I've ordered on the internet here and I was not happy with the reliability of the postal system here, and if I have to send it back I will have paid for the programmer twice over. So I'm just going to wait until blueroom will sell me a chip programed for his new clone of the pickit 2 (hopefully it's ready in January when I'm back state side). Uffff, I wish JDM worked on laptop. With winpic800 you plug it in and hit program and it's done, no messing around. I built my JDM for $2. Blueroom if you are reading this thread....What's the ETA on the PIC kit2 clone? Also Blueroom, on the bottom of your pickit2 clone schematic there are a few VUSB lines showing that don't appear to be used, and in your picture of the working pickit2 clone you don't have any IC's or other fancy parts apart from the PIC with the firmware, just caps, diodes and resistors, does it work well, and is it possible to post a schematic for that programmer? PS good work on your website
there is an element published in Dec2002 It is an RS232 upgrade for laptops,-It used MAX232 chip and 5V supply is tasken from another port like USB and after this the levels are translated to high like +/-8.5V . after this JDM can derive the !2.5V Vpp that is requied for programming.- perhpas one can adopt it for JDM to make JDM work with laptop.-- but how many different devices one could buy in the event of earlier one didnot function.? perhaps you may spend little more time to debug and make Kit149 work.
BTW, can you please put the schematic on line for further analysis to help discussion.
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kit 149 is obsolete

well I've searched a lot and I can't find the exact schematic of this programmer. The problem is that they are very very very.... on forever..... disorganized at DIY. They haven't released new stuff in years. It seems that they are relying on an old success and being super lazy with the support. Good for them, bad for my robot. I'm going for something professional when I have the chance. Chow Jeremy
The ETA on the PICkit 2 clone Junebug is next Thursday. There are two programs that support the PK2, MPLAB 7.62 is quite the upgrade over 7.60 for the PK2 and the PK2 standalone software which is actually very nice if you're used to a JDM style programmer. It has one button program a hex file and auto PIC detection for many PICs.

IMHO Microchip put out so many PICs every other month that any self made programmer will always lag behind. The PICkit 2 development team appear to be burning the midnight oil getting the PK2 up to speed.

Like the Inchworm I've removed all the 3.3V stuff to keep the price low and included the PK2 and 18F1320 Tutor for a nice little lab that's only 115mm x 57mm. All powered nicely from your USB port. I'm looking forward to this kit myself!

The Inchworm was designed when the PK2 debugged only three PICs and the ICD2 debugged almost all of them. The problem now is the disappearing serial port and many USB to RS232 don't work that well with an ICD2.

The only thing I don't like about my genuine PICkit 2 (yes I have one) is the programming connector is the pits. Not as bad as the RJ-12 on many ICD2s (the RJ-12 is handy but it's not very good for breadboarding). So I've included a 2x5 (ribbon cable) ICD header and a 1x16 inline header (the last 6 pins are the same as the PK2 pins) the extra pins are for programming and hacking (the 18F2550 is an excellent platform for learning USB) just like the larger Unicorn kit.

If you're using midrange PICs it's all you may ever need.

Make sure you read the other LAB-EASY thread in the forum Electronic Projects Design/Ideas/Reviews
I have a new drawing coming this evening explaining why I think the LAB-EASY system is the way to go for prototyping and breadboarding.
I like the modulation plans, and I'll be looking forward to the Junebug. Has Blueroom ever done business with people in South America? Is it possible to get a preprogrammed microchip chip to build a Junebug?

sarma, Thanks for the email. This is exactly the behavior that the programmer is having, so I imagine there won't be an easy fix. However it's good to see that the guys at Kits R Us are willing to service their product when there is a problem. thanks again for the help.
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